The Official Christian Fiction Book Club


New Member
Let's do it ladies. Is there one here already?

I have a lot of Christian fiction books I want to read but haven't yet. I think we should start with the Ted Dekker/Frank Peretti thrillers since many have read some of their work already. What's the first one that you suggest we start with. Do they have serial books like The Yada Yada Prayer Group series is?
You know I'm in! I know that Ted Dekker has a series out Red, Black, White (those are the indiv. names of the books). I think Red's the first one but they sell them as a set in most stores including WalMart
O.K. chicas. Invite everybody you know, mammas, girlfriends, sisters from church:grin:.
We need a start date. I'm thinking Monday or next Wednesday so everyone will have a chance to find them. What's our first book gonna be?:drunk:
I'm in and I don't have a preference on which book we start with...I will try to remember to come here and post as I'm reading
I think starting Monday is a good idea, I have two suggestions: "By the Grace of God", I'll have to check back in with the author or I'm currently reading "The truth about love" by Tia McCollars .
I love to read Christian books....
I am in....
I recommend we read something by Francine Rivers (I am bias she's my favorite christian fiction author)...but I am willing to read anything.

Please keep me posted!
Oops! I half-read the title of the book club - I thought it was for christian thrillers. I really don't want to engage in any other genre right now so I'll chime in when you guys get to these...Chao
You know I'm in! I know that Ted Dekker has a series out Red, Black, White (those are the indiv. names of the books). I think Red's the first one but they sell them as a set in most stores including WalMart

Ok ladies, let start with Ted Dekkers Red, Black, White series and begin Monday morning. We can start by reading the first three chapters, if they're not too long, this weekend and then discuss them Monday.:drunk:
That sounds good, I'll pick up the first book Red over the weekend. What genre of christian fiction is this book, this is my first time hearing about it?
Ok ladies, let start with Ted Dekkers Red, Black, White series and begin Monday morning. We can start by reading the first three chapters, if they're not too long, this weekend and then discuss them Monday.:drunk:

Cool! When should we check in to discuss?
Hi sistas. I've read the first 2 chapters of black and like it so far. How do you all feel about this book? As N&W said in HolyThangs it's sci-fi. I have been known to read four books at once so if some would like to read something reality based but fiction, I can start a different reading group simultaneously with this one. We can read something like "The Yada Yada Prayer" group series or "That Faith, That Trust, That Love by Jamellah Ellis one of my fave Christion fiction books that I think the unmarried sistas will thoroughly enjoy. Chime in and let me know if that's something you'd think you'd be interested in trying.
What is this book about? Sound interesting and I may join. The last book I read which was a fiction Christian book was about a girl who got rapped and pregnant and her struggles. It was a pretty good book.

I can read a 400 pg book in two days if its good :grin:
What is this book about? Sound interesting and I may join. The last book I read which was a fiction Christian book was about a girl who got rapped and pregnant and her struggles. It was a pretty good book.

I can read a 400 pg book in two days if its good :grin:
Me too girl. There have been times when I've read a book in a day:grin:

I just realized the first book in the series isn't Red, it's Black :ohwell:
Oooo, so how far did you get:grin:

Did you buy all three? I have the book with all three books in one.
I would really like to join. I am interested in reading some good Christian fiction. I am a 'virgin' in this area so go slow with me :lol:

Are there any good books that feature AA and are by AA authors?
I would really like to join. I am interested in reading some good Christian fiction. I am a 'virgin' in this area so go slow with me :lol:

Are there any good books that feature AA and are by AA authors?

That faith, That Trust, That Love by Jamellah Ellis

I think that's our next book so you may want to buy it and the series we're reading now.