The Most Awesome-ist Braidout Ever!!!!


New Member
How do you do it? What products do you use? How do you tie it up at nite? How long does it last?
Step by step instructions would really be helpful, but a picture would be even better! lol

I've done braidouts before but they've either been 2 oily or 2 dry.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanx all.
Aww man! I thought YOU were going to show us the most awesomiest braidout ever with your hair!!! :rofl:

Anyway, I hope some ladies chime in because I wanna know too! :yep:
Poohbear said:
Aww man! I thought YOU were going to show us the most awesomiest braidout ever with your hair!!! :rofl:

Anyway, I hope some ladies chime in because I wanna know too! :yep:

Ha ha, me too!
Had me going cause I sure was here to peep the pics!!

Inquiring minds NEED to know!!

Bump!! :bouncy:
To get really nice braidout these are the steps I take:

1. I wash and deep condition my hair
2. I separate my hair into 4-5 sections, spray with a strengthner like Infusium
3. I use a mixture of shea, avocado and mango butter and apply onto each small section that I braid, I lightly put the mixture in my hair and then I put even more on my ends cause that's the oldest and weakest part of everyone's hair.
4. I braid each section, then I put end papers on the plaits and use small rod roller on my ends for a curly cue effect.
5. I either sit under a drier for 30-45 minutes or I just let it air dry overnight. I unravel each braid and fluff...viola beautiful hairstyle that last for 2-3 days!
6. At night I bend forward (standing up) (I bend 90 degrees from my waist) stretch some of my hair (gently), while my hair is 'upside down' I put on a satin wrap, this helps the curls and helps my hair stay fluffy longer without me having to rebraid at night.

;) check out my braidout style under photo gallery, its under Alli77, I hope this helps
Thanks Pooh... printed it out... i forgot all about those directions. I'm going to try this out this wkend... i'll post pics if i like ;)
go to photo galleries, click on member list(gallery), go to the A section, it should be under alli77...I keep having trouble with my albums lately...sorry...working on it.
Im doing braid outs right now. Carols daughter hair milk is wonderful. I can also get good results with blue magic coconut grease or fruit of the earth aloe vera gel,but the hair milk is the best.

Basically just wash and condition hair, put in leave in (optional) apply the product to wet hair and put hair in 2 braids (more if you want) then leave it.

Next morning take it out and braid up again at night - apply more product if you want.

They last about 4/5 days.

I have a pic but the pixels are too big to fit in my avatar !!