The info i learnd from LHCF cost $$$


New Member
Is it me or by joining LHCF i now have all this knowledge and its costing me a fortune. :spinning:

In 3 weeks i spent $350 on hair care...

It has now come to a point where i am constantly looking at others hair and before i can catch myself im giving them tips lol

My sister is extremly annoyed at me bc i happen to notice her ends were dry and i just innocently implied she moisturized her ends and to try adding in cowash instead of shampooing so much becasue shampoo dries out your hair...she just looks at me like :wallbash::wallbash:


I need a brake frm the site becasue im officially going hair crazy and spending way more than i can afford to spend
Amen to MissLizziA we have definitely all been there....resist the urge to become a product junkie...always ask yourself if you're really missing this product in your reggie.
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1. Most of us have been there!

2. You won't like everything you just bought!

Sell these products in the Hair Exchange forum (you can indicate 80% full, 95% full, etc). No point in keeping useless expensive products and if priced right they should sell pretty fast!!!!

(Some of your best finds, will be the cheapies! Stay off the bandwagons!!!!)

Just my two cents!