the front of my hair refuses to curl up


New Member
it curled up after I B.Ced

but now it doesn't :nono:

i have to always wear a headband because the front doesn't curl up like the rest of my head and my hear just looks weird without a headband. is there anything that can make the front of my hair curl up like the rest? when it's wet its curled but once it dries :perplexed its just regular.
It could possibly be scab hair. Have you ever straightened it or blown it dry? It may have lost some of its pattern due to heat usage - if you've used it of course. Those are really the only things I can think of off the top of my head.
I have a patch of hair on the top of my crown at the forehead that is very wavy and not curly at all. It barely holds twists without coming undone and it dosen't shrink like the rest of my hair. I know it is neither heat damage or scab hair because this is brand new hair since December never seen a blowdryer or a curling iron, nothing. I think it's just how our hair grows in.... I have some ideas on how to deal with it when it gets longer...
My hair is the same way!!! This portion of my hair can barely hold twist and it barely waves up. I could be heat damage, I'll see be the end of the summer because I haven't straightened my hair since March and I don't plan on doing it for a long time. I have a strong feeling that it's just how my hair grows.
I texturize and I have an entire section in the front and middle of my head that is straight as a board. But it's my fault - I over-texturized it.
Welcome to my world. I'm natural and the front of my hair is pretty much straight...slight wave. I think its due to slicking it back into a bun everyday. :perplexed
My hair is straight for the crown to the temple and doesn't curl up, no heat damage, bun damage, nothing but plain old genetics. Your hair may never curl in the front, it's something you might have to accept.
Girl, if you ain't describing my hair....

I was gonna ask some of the ladies about this, but I never got around to it. I thought that it was due to me pulling it in a bun everyday, but I doubt it. I planned to twist that portion when I BC to make it blend a little better, but I think I will just let it be.

I recall that portion of my hair always being so much easier to flat iron also. No matter what I do, it is just like that. I have seen that with a lot of other ladies. You are not alone, it will just have to be something that you will need to learn to love.

I make it work for me be reminding myself that I can slick my hair back a lot easier and straighten easier because of my little weird patch.:grin:
I think this is the case for a lot of women with 3b,c 4a hair. Same here....I big chopped to nothing and grew it out, so it wasn't heat damage nor was it scab hair. It has a nice wave pattern, but certainly not curly like the rest and it hardly shrinks.
The front of my hair is straight too. I have this one stupid section that is almost all the way straight and I don't know why. It's always been like that. A denman brush will help it curl though. That thing can create curls where there are none.
It could possibly be scab hair. Have you ever straightened it or blown it dry? It may have lost some of its pattern due to heat usage - if you've used it of course. Those are really the only things I can think of off the top of my head.

I agree with Eunique. This happens to A LOT of people after they BC. Scab hair (even though it can be natural) results from the transitioning period or from not quite getting all of the perm out.

I had to trim after my first BC several times before my hair would fully act on its own accord.

Now, that doesn't meean you might not still have many textures on your head. Most naturals have at least 3 different textures to deal with.
My hair is like this too in the front, espcially the sides. It waves but doesn't really curl. I twist it up and take is loose when I am wearing all of my hair loose.