Thank You...


Well-Known Member
Spinny from the awards thread. This is a spot to say a big 'ol thanks to our fellow hair squad members here on the board. It's so fun to talk about hair 24/7!

Thank you to:

@trclemons for all those awesome deals that you post monthly

@Prettymetty thanks to your no buy challenges, you broke me out of being a product junkie

@Aggie, @faithVA and @IDareT'sHair for always come thru for me with the hair tips and product suggestions

@Kimbosheart The motivator...always encouraging us to stay glam

Thank you to everyone on the board, we all play our part.
Thank you:

@faithVA for your extremely helpful and timely posts on how to tackle hair issues especially for us lo-po girls!

@IDareT'sHair @Saludable84 @NaturallyATLPCH and @shawnyblazes for your introduction and reviews on everything APB (amongst other holy grails). I can't live without her products!

@Miss Kane for creating the APB line. Please patent your ingredients list so your line can live on forever.

@IDareT'sHair for her reviews and sale updates, weekend plans threads and introducing LHCF to the latest and trendiest hair care products. You always be on it!

@Aggie and @AgeinATL for being my hair sisters from another mother. We tend to like similar products, so your reviews are invaluable to me. If you vouch for it, I will try and buy it too!

@YvetteWithJoy for your challenges and extremely helpful responses and willingness to help address any questions presented by old heads and newbies.

And thank you to all the ladies in the hair forum for keeping the hair forum alive! Happy holidays ladies!