
New Member

I don't know who through a Post out there about Sauve Humectant, but I read it. It's not expensive to buy, so 1 day when I was in Wally World I picked up a bottle.

Nevertheless, I read a Post about Honey treatments. Tried it, and hated it!!! That stuff made my hair soooo soft it wouldn't hold a curl. I used it with my pre-poo, and allowed my hair to airdry as I usually do. Figured I'd get excellent results, and yes I was looking for the shine! NOPE! NOT FOR ME!

I tried the honey move, curled my hair yesterday before work and HAIR SPRAYED. I came to work and my hair was BONE STRAIGHT, WITH HAIR SPRAY....YUK!:wallbash:

Then, wouldn't you know it rained a tad bit on the way home and I catch the bus. (Park~n~Ride).... Sooo, I always keep a EZComb in my purse, b/c you never know, pinned my hair up on the bus and stop in Wally World. I even had a cashier say, "You know that clip you have in your hair looks like that infomercial." I told her, it is!

But as soon as I got home, I did a simple wash in the shower with my Dr. Bonners, and conditioned with Suave and CathyH. I got EXCELLENT results and the shine actually came through! I allowed my hair to air dry over night, put some slight bangs in my hair and BAM~BOM~POW! I GOT SHINE.:grin: Just a light flat iron and go. (the rest of my hair is in a pinned up pony with my EZComb)

I'm a happy Chicka Today

Soooo, if anyone hasn't tried the Suave, for less than a $2 purchase it might be worth it to you and give you great results also.

(Sorry Ladies, but I refuse to do the new pic thing until Jan '10. My 1yr comparison) Thanks for reading...
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thank you
this works nicely, is cheap, and compared to nexxus therappe.
was going to cvs to get stuff anyway, and saw your post before i left.
I wish it was that cheap here! I get the 32 oz bottle for around $3.

Suave Humectant is the BEST cheap conditioner in the world! Even better than HE LTR :imo:

Sorry the honey didn't work out for you, I :love3: it. If you mix some olive oil and honey with Suave Humectant, sit under the dryer for a bit, OMG! Total Hairgasm. :grin:
Hi Ladies,
Thanks for your replies. Does it have cons, I don't know. This is the first time I've tried it. I'm at work right now and don't have the bottle infront of me. But this be sooo inexpensive (IMO) worked FANTASTIC!! It gave "me" the results I was looking for and use to! A sistah got to have a curl every now and then. *whew*
I just purchased this with my coupon... Exactly what am I supposed to do with again? All the old threads I see, most ladies use it for co-washing. So..what if I dont do that, then what? Do I use it as a moisture conditioner and mix it with oils and such?
WOOOO HOOO!!!!:lick:
No cones. Gonna get some on the way home. I love cowashing and this sound like a good condish to use for that!
I love it too...use it to clarify (add baking soda, part & apply to dry hair like a relaxer, wait 15-20 mins & rinse)...I always keep it on hand. This is one of the few things that I still use from the beginning of my journey.
I co wash with this everytime I co wash and I love it. I either use it alone or add 100% aloe vera juice and/or coconut oil....