Thank You LHCF {Huggs} Pics inside


New Member
I want to say Thank you to all the wonderful LHCF Ladies. Thanks to you and your advise.. I can now take care of my and my daughters hair. We are retaining lenght and it's healthy:grin:!!!
I started my healthy hair journey 18 months ago. when after I took the braids out of my daughter hair (age 8).. Her hair "melted away" in my hands as I was washing it. Her hair was already damaged and broken by relaxers, so I tried braids to get it " growing" I made the problem worse. Her hair was barely ear lenght and she was embarred by the itty bitty ponytails, I would comb her into... So in search of a better way.. I looked on the internet and found you Ladies:yep:.. I lurked for a few months trying diffrent things and when I started noticeing a diffrents in her hair I became a member in Jan 2009...

We began her transitin into natural hair Dec 08 and trimmed away the relaxer each month..I thought a BC would be to harsh for a little girl, so we trimmed little by little
I am embarrassed to tell you that I knew very little on taking care of hair and what I did know was totally wrong:nono:..
I started to DC her hair twice weekly:yep:Keeping her cornrows in no long longer than 2 weeks.:yep: and being very careful on how tight anyone braided her hair. I actually stopped going to a braider because she thought the tighter the better. I learned about protien and naturals oils:lick:.. I rarely use a comb now and when I do it a wide tooth one when I am conditioning. I started noticing what her hair response too. I make sure she moisture her hair everyday with Scurl. I add Infusion and Suave into the mix.....We are learning so much.. People have notice a diffrent in our:yep: hair and have started asking for advice...Which when I tell them what I am doing: they dismiss it and tell me What I am doing wrong...:rolleyes: Look at her hair folks:spinning: I must be doing SOMETHING Right!!!:lick::lachen:

Thank you Thank you.... This morning was the first time she has worn her out in over a year. I had to pack her fro down it was tooo BIG for school... She loved it!!!..

I will be posting pics of my transition soon

HUGGS TO YOU LADIES :woot::notworthy:clapping:

Click on the pics to make the larger..


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Congratulations on you and your daughters hair progress. You are doing a good job.
Just think, now your daughter will learn to take care of her hair from you and she will pass that information on to her daughter (in the future). All because you cared enough to research a better way to take care of you and your daughter's hair.
A beautiful little girl with beautiful hair. I am so glad to see a mother really taking the time to learn about hair care for her child.People may say its "just hair", but giving her the chance to feel good about her hair will be so good for her in the long run.
Thank you Ladies.... You have made it possible....She says she loves it natural and want to wear it out like that... no more braids for awhile.... Now I have to learn how to do natural styling....

Thanks again
Ah, seeing your baby made me weepy :->

I am SOOO glad to see beautiful black babies loving the locks that GOD gave them :-D

One of the primary reasons I went natural is because I want my future children and my current nieces to see a black woman that isn't wearing "dollbaby" hair, over/under processed hair---just a big, full, and fluffy fro :-)

It starts with the kids....we are changing the face of diva at a time.
So so true!!! Congratulations! !!!!!

Congratulations on you and your daughters hair progress. You are doing a good job.
Just think, now your daughter will learn to take care of her hair from you and she will pass that information on to her daughter (in the future). All because you cared enough to research a better way to take care of you and your daughter's hair.