New Member
Even tho I have become a dreaded project junkee
, I want to send out a sincere thanks to all of YOU ladies
who have turned me into same
. Let me explain, I recently purchased the keracare humecto and I am in LOVE... not lust, LOVE.
This is the first conditioner, since the feria color conditioner, that I had soooo much slip and the softness was unbelievable. And, lastly - but not least, I have about 3 inches of new growth
and while wet my mother commented on how long my hair had grown
- u know i had to point out... "mommy, this is without a touch-up, imagine how its gonna look when i get it done, blah blah blah!!!" I think that was when she dozed off
because I started talking about you guys and my precious "hair board". Again ladies, thank you for helping me come thismuchcloser to my hair goals.