Thank you ladies, My hair consultation today


New Member
This is a longggg post but it's not every day that i go to a real live stylist so i had to tell y'all everything that happened. First of all i have to say thank you to all you ladies that have educated me on hair care through our own trial and error and genuine concern for the health and length of our hair.
It is SOOOO nice going into a situation when you are informed.

Okay so i'm walking into the grocery store located in the plaza up the road from me. This guy walks up to me and gives me a card goes into his shpeil about hair and that he cares about hair care and not hair styles-- he was saying all the right things so far so i said to myself, "Jainy, let the man talk" Basically he went on to tell me about how short hair should be touched up ever 4-6 weeks at the MOST and that longer hair should be every 6-8 weeks. I told him that i touch up every 12 weeks and he went on to say, "ooohh no that's too far apart, you'll cause your hair to snap off" He went on to tell me what i already know about where my relaxed hair and newgrowth meet up and how i was causing breakage to my hair by not touching up more frequently all of which is not true as long as you know how to take care of your hair.

So i'm just listening to him and nodding my head and smiling and looking really nice and interested. Meantime i'm thinking, "i cant wait to tell the girls about this"
So he gives me his card and i go into the store and realize i left my debit card at home. When i go home to get it i say forget the grocery store and give him a call to get a consultation. So he says" come right on in" I know y'all are thinking "Jainy you are crazy" but i'm just masochistic to an extent and wanted to see what this fool was gonna tell me about my hair.

So i get to the shop and bad sign #1 -- no one else is in the shop except for 2 other stylists. One of which is a friend of his visiting. Bad sign #2 he goes on to tell me how i have all kinds of breakage because my hair in one quarter size section at the crown is 6 inches while the rest of my hair is longer---even after i told him that i'm a hair tugger and this is the area i tug my hair so that's why it's shorter, He insisted that it was breakage because i have bad technique while applying my relaxer. Then he's running his fingers through my hair saying, "Now i know you have split ends in here somewhere...let me show them to you" I'm thinking if you have to go looking for them it cant be that serious. btw-- he never found any

Bad sign #3 he starts telling me that the reason my hair in the back is shorter at my nape area is because of breakage and i told him that's not so because i grew my hair out from a very short cut so of course my hair in back is gonna be shorter because it was shorter when i first started growing my hair out "Duh". Then this is the topper, he goes to show me the weight of my hair. you know where all of your hair has the same length so therefore the area is the nicest and thickest-- for me it's a little past my shoulders so i'm like, "yeah, i know that's where the weight of my hair is because as it grows in it's all starting from that area so of course the hair closest to my head is gonna be the thickest; i plan on gaining more fullness at the ends as my hair grows in and i trim it gradually over time until all my hair has the same thickness"

Then he says he could get my hair looking really great and full in a bob cut -- Okay this is where the girl sitting next to me in another chair-- his friend the other stylist is all like, "yeah, i didnt want to get my hair cut when it was long either but you'll see how worth it is once you get all that cut off"

Now i'm looking at her incredulously like, before you said that you should have at least come correct -- how the hell are you gonna say that i need to cut my hair off while youre looking like a jacked up before picture on a Supercuts commercial. I mean her hair was not looking good at all.

So anyway i'm like"thank you so much for the consultation" -- i mean it WAS free after all. I feel much better now since i know that my hair is in good condition -- not because he told me but because i knew -- i just like seeing a drowning man clutching at straws. He was trying all kinds of scare tactics but they didnt work. It's a shame, because if i wasnt a part of this forum i would be sitting up here crying trying to figure out what i was gonna do with this "disaster" on my head
See, now that is a lot of the reason why so many black women do not have longer hair. Most stylists are always trying to cut for style! I'll get style after I get more length--maybe!
Man! That was hilarious. I did not let my BIL (who did my hair last weekend) cut as much as he wanted to and he tried (but failed) to make me feel a little badly about that. He wanted to "clean up my layers." Clean 'em up? I am trying to get rid of them! The last thing I want is to have them cleaned up and putting me back where I started. Anyway, wouldn't you know it, he was so proud of himself the next day when I walked into the family breakfast with my hair looking really nice. It was so funny to me, because the day before, he was like, I need to cut this (he really did not) and the day after, he was like "Dang, I'm good." I think they just need to back away from the scissors and focus on other stuff. If they are always with the scissors, they don't have to work as hard to keep your hair healthy! Keep doing what you are doing Jainy! You'll reach that goal of more thickness and length on your own. I guess he already confirmed that for you!
I want to go to one of those "hair" schools JUST to find out what the
they're teaching them!
This reminds me of that episode of Extreme Makeover when the stylist just went through her hair and chopped off little sections randomly, talkin' about he needed to 'thin out' her hair!
I was yellin' at the tv,
"HELLO! What are you going to do when her hair grows back in? Tell her it's HER fault that her hair is 'breaking off'???"
Ooooh! They get me sooo sick sometimes. Jainygirl, I'm glad that you didn't let that fool get to you.

He's funny....

It kills me how these stylists are so quick to try to bestow their questionable "tips" on everyone they come across.

And they always have a peanut gallery who JUST cut off their waist length hair to get the snappy pineapple waved/flat ironed hybrid dry breaking multitoned mess they are now sporting
and who are just itching to get your to cut yours off too because of all the split ends they can never find, and the breakage they claim is so apparent even though they know nothing about what you do to your hair or anything else about it.. :::rolling eyes::::

Thank God for "consultations". Imagine if we actually HAD to let these fools do our hair?

Hope you had a good laugh Jainy.
That is too funny! It's just best to do your own hair nowadays... People forever want to cut off what you've worked so hard to get.
y'all...i came so close to giving him the site address, i wanted him and his hairdresser homegirl with the jacked up 'do to come here so bad
y'all should have seen the look on his face when he said, "what kind of ph levels does the relaxer have that you use??? do you even know? these are the kinds of things a Professionial can help you with" -- I was like,"actally the Ph level is 13." I could tell he was shocked that i even knew, then he was like, "oh, well you need a professional to figure out the proper ph levels needed for your hair" i'm sitting up there thinking;"yeah and all you would do is use the same trial and error that i use to figure that out." i wanted to laugh so bad.
it felt so good to have answers for him -- jainygirl
i12sitonmyhair said:
I want to go to one of those "hair" schools JUST to find out what the
they're teaching them!
This reminds me of that episode of Extreme Makeover when the stylist just went through her hair and chopped off little sections randomly, talkin' about he needed to 'thin out' her hair!
I was yellin' at the tv,
"HELLO! What are you going to do when her hair grows back in? Tell her it's HER fault that her hair is 'breaking off'???"
Ooooh! They get me sooo sick sometimes. Jainygirl, I'm glad that you didn't let that fool get to you.

[/ QUOTE ] Girl you saw that episode of Extreme Makeover too! I was thinking "why in the Hell is she letting him cut out portions of her hair!!!"
Anyway, Jainygirl that story is too funny! It's sad that a beautician would go thru that many lies to make a customer believe their hair is in bad shape and the sadder part is that another woman not as hair-wise as yourself will fall for it and get the "super bob cut" that he wanted to give to you.
Natasha2005 said:
i12sitonmyhair said:
I want to go to one of those "hair" schools JUST to find out what the
they're teaching them!
This reminds me of that episode of Extreme Makeover when the stylist just went through her hair and chopped off little sections randomly, talkin' about he needed to 'thin out' her hair!
I was yellin' at the tv,
"HELLO! What are you going to do when her hair grows back in? Tell her it's HER fault that her hair is 'breaking off'???"
Ooooh! They get me sooo sick sometimes. Jainygirl, I'm glad that you didn't let that fool get to you.

[/ QUOTE ] Girl you saw that episode of Extreme Makeover too! I was thinking "why in the Hell is she letting him cut out portions of her hair!!!"
Anyway, Jainygirl that story is too funny! It's sad that a beautician would go thru that many lies to make a customer believe their hair is in bad shape and the sadder part is that another woman not as hair-wise as yourself will fall for it and get the "super bob cut" that he wanted to give to you.

[/ QUOTE ]

i'm thinking to myself, "everyones hair looks good in a bob so what's your point??" If he really wanted to impress me he should have said that i needed a deep condition, about 1/4 inch trimmed off the bottom and a nice rollerset.
This is why I'm so thankful for this forum. I spent way too many years thinking stylists really knew what they were talking about- only to know its quite the opposite in reality. Great story though its so great to be free and not dependant on ill informed know it all stylists!
Oh wow, Jainy! That is funny! And sad, in a way. These hair schools are making a KILLING off of people who sincererly want to know about hair care and giving them the wrong info to boot.
What a scam!

I'm so grateful to have found this forum!
I would still have breaking, shoulder-length, dandruff filled hair to this day and slopping pounds of pink lotion
on it wondering why it wasn't getting better!!!

It's SOOO good to be PROPERLY informed!
I'm sorry that you didn't find a good hairdresser at your consultation but so happy that you knew not to fall for his mess!
All I can say is...I would have loved to see the look on his face when he realized that you knew more than he did about hair.
auntybe said:
All I can say is...I would have loved to see the look on his face when he realized that you knew more than he did about hair.

[/ QUOTE ]

He had the deer in headlights look when i said the ph level of my relaxer was 13
dont they give us any credit???