
Basically it's a relaxer left on your hair only long enough to loosen the curl(not straighten it completely).
If I normally use regular strength relaxers but want to switch to mild to texturize could that damage my hair??

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You'll have to transition and/or cut off the relaxed hair if you want to switch to a texturizer from a relaxer. If you don't, you'll have two different textures to work from and possible breakage where the two textures meet.
I don't think that's necessarily true. It would depend on how straight her hair is now and how curly she wants to leave it.
I don't think that's necessarily true. It would depend on how straight her hair is now and how curly she wants to leave it.

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I agree. It is probably easier on your hair than transitioning from relaxed to natural...but once again it depends on the amount of curl your hair has now. If your hair is bone straight, you may have a problem.