Texturizer Question?


New Member
I am natural and thinking about getting a slight texturizer to loosen my 3c/4a curls. I'm too scared to do it myself and was wondering if there are stylists out there who know how to apply texturizers to natural hair. I'm still just thinking about it...

Thanks for any advice you can give.
If you decide to go to a stylist, make sure you search for a lot of information about texturizers and ask your stylist a LOT of questions. Four years ago I went to a stylist to get a texturizer. When I told her that my scalp was burning and she said, "Oh, just let it sit a little longer so it can take," I just assumed she knew what she was doing. But after my hair was burned off at the nape and my skin was stinging red, I realized that she didn't. Not only that, but my hair was almost straight and was thin. To this day I believe she did that intentionally.

Anyway, I know more today about texturizers than I did back then. This board has certainly taught me a lot. When I decided to texturize earlier this year, I decided to risk applying it myself than to go to a hairdresser. When I did it, my scalp didn't burn at all and my hair hasn't fallen out excessively.

But like I said before, make sure you do a lot of research on what texturizers are supposed to do.
If you're thinking about texturizing, check out www.curve-salon.com. They do an awesome job of texturizing naturals without losing too much texture and enhancing curl definiton. A little pricey but worth it!!