Texturizer Question


Well-Known Member
A long time ago I decided to texturize my hair. I used Silk Elements texturizer. I mixed olive oil in it and applied. I washed it out right away so I didn't see much difference in my hair it just made it much easier to comb through.

I am thinking about using texturizer again. My question is this time around could I use Phytospecific or Silk Elements Lye Relaxer?

I thought I read that if you use texturizer you can't use a lye perm after it. I am concerned that I still may have some of the previous one on my ends even though it has been a long time. I think the Phytospecific is no lye so maybe that one would be ok to use?

MMM, I am not sure but I know there is a thread called, "Everything you wanted to know about Phytospecific" and don't quote me but depending on what relaxer you had, the thread said that you may overlap using phyto. I wouldn't do it though.:)