Texturized/naturals... how often to comb?


New Member
I went from detangling my hair every day to doing it 2x per week. At first everythingh was ok... now it's been around a month and I am noticing MONSTER TANGLES. I just started noticeing them yesterday.

I just finished going through my hair (saturated with porosity condtrol conditioner) and combing out every knot gently. I use a seamless comb.

I found like 3 knots that would not be combed out today and I found 2 of them yesterday.

If I comb my hair everyday it's VERY time consuming plus I think that I lose hair that I don't need to lose. If I detangle every 3 days this is what's going to happen. :( I lose about the same amount of hair anyway.

I have tetxtuized 4a hair. Is it just normal to lose hair while detangling this hair type? Or is something wrong? On average I lose about 20 hairs while detangling.
I have to comb every other day. I have 4a hair and if I tried to comb only once or twice a week and that didn't work for me cause I wear my hair out a lot. I'm thinking about doing protective styling more often just so I don't have to deal with it. I just put some twists in the other day and when I was combing through I had horrible, horrible tangles cause I'd been lazy and hadn't detangled in about 3 days, just finger combed.
I usually only comb once a week when I wash, then I put it into twists. If I wore my hair out, I can see having to comb more than that.
I am guessing that as a texturized, perhaps you are keeping your hair loose and not doing protective styles like twists, braids, cornrows, twistouts, buns. Usually people texturize their hair because they want to wash and go or wear their hair out all the time.

My hair is natural, if I am going to keep wear it out, I would need to smooth it with my fingers every day, moisturize the ends daily, and fingercomb it every other day to avoid major tangles. Also, I would have to make sure I sleep with a satin/silk scarf at night to keep my hair from tangling in your sleep. But I still would not comb it everyday or between shampoos. Just the thought of running a comb everyday through my bush gives me the chills.:ohwell:
Jaelin said:
I usually only comb once a week when I wash, then I put it into twists. If I wore my hair out, I can see having to comb more than that.
same here....im not one to wear my hair out, i can imagine needing to comb it a lot more than once a week if i did.
When my hair is not braided, I comb no more than 1x a week on wet conditioned hair. But since I hate combing and combs I'm trying to keep my hair in braids 3-4 weeks and so hopefully, I'll reduce the combing to once a month.
I comb my hair every 6-7 days during washing only. I finger style my hair if I'm wearing a twist out or other loose style. I try my hardest to leave my hair alone as much as possible now so I can get maximum growth this year.

Next relaxer touch-up: July 23rd, 2005 (will be 9 wks post)
Current hair length: 1 inch past bra strap when blown out straight
Hair texture and type: 4b course and thick
Pics coming in July!
I comb my hair only when it's soaking wet with conditioner. A big help for me is that I comb (and wash) my hair in 4 big sections.
Ive started combing everyother day...the shedded hair seems to biuld up if I wait longer and Ive come to fnd out that its causing my hair to knot up with the hair that hasnt shedded at my ends. Not fun detangling that ish :(.
When I wear a wash 'n go, I comb/detangle every day or two, while my hair is wet with conditioner or damp. Otherwise, protective styles eliminate the need to comb until the next shampoo, at which time I detangle again. I always cover my hair with a satin bonnet for sleeping, which is extremely important for those times I'm too lazy to braid up my wash 'n go.
I also think it depends on the length of the hair. Once it is at bra strap, it is either protective styling or trouble, especially for fine textured hair if it is left uncombed too long. I comb through after rinsing or shampooing and can get away with 2x weekly. Combing dry is not good for me. Bonjour
I CO wash daily, detangle in the shower with a wide tooth comb while my hair is soaking wet, apply my products while my hair is still dripping, then brush all the way through my hair with my Denman brush before making my daily pony puff. I never have any problems with tangles with this routine. :look:
I hate combing my hair everyday because its so thick. I probably comb it with my Denman knock off or a comb about once a week or two. I also only use a thick conditioner like Lekair conditioner when I detangle so it makes it really easy.
balisi said:
When I wear a wash 'n go, I comb/detangle every day or two, while my hair is wet with conditioner or damp. Otherwise, protective styles eliminate the need to comb until the next shampoo, at which time I detangle again. I always cover my hair with a satin bonnet for sleeping, which is extremely important for those times I'm too lazy to braid up my wash 'n go.

this is me as well