Texlax touch-up disaster


Well-Known Member
I had my texlax touch up on last Friday. Yesterday I did my first wash and was not pleasently surprised. Most of the curl was gone from the new growth and it looked frizzy and underprocessed. Some areas are bone straight and I cannot do a wash and go anymore. I am close to tears. The stylist and my mom keep saying the roots will revert but I have washed my hair 4 times and done a protein treatment. I ended up flatironing the mess just so I wouldn't have to deal with 3 in frizzy roots without any curl left and curly ends with straight pieces sprinkled in for good measure. My mom is pushing me to go back to the stylist but I told her that there was nothing she could do. The stylist claims she can strip the chemical from my hair but I don't believe her and really do not want her to touch my hair right now. I am still aiming for full APL this year (scraping APL right now) and I am afraid that using heat weekly will not help in my goal. 3 years of regrowing my hair and finially being happy with it and it was destroyed. The overprocessed hair will never blend and it will take years to grow out. Also at next touch up time, if it comes out right, I will have curly-kinky straight-curly hair and I am afraid of breakage but I do not want to get a full relaxer. I just want to cry. Any suggestions? Can it be salvaged? Can you really strip the relaxer out of over processed hair?
So sorry :nono: Don't go back to that stylist, you might come out of her shop bald. I've never heard of "stripping" a relaxer. It's permanant, there's no way to un-relax hair.

Poor thing :needhug:
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So sorry this has happened to you.

I have never heard of stripping a relaxer out, ever!

You have washed 4x and used protein. You may want to do a moisturizing DC, if you haven't already.

With your hair in this state the last thing you want is for it to dry out and break. Hang in there girl :)
I'm sorry this happened to you and I feel your frustration. I have never tried texlaxing before so I don't have experience with that but I never heard of anyone being able to undo a relaxer with out growing it out or cutting the hair off. I know other's will chime in with more informative responses, in the mean time I'll bump your thread :yep:
umm...imo..you can always try to fix it but a perm is a perm in the end ..its permanent. How you can get around is by treating your hair like silk.

One thing that I dont understand is that is the roots are still frizzy are you sure youre not underprocessed?Ive never heard of being overprocessed with fuzzy roots.

In the case that your roots are underprocessed a corrective relaxer can fix the issue but give your hair some time. Dont rush right now...just pamper it.

One thing that you can do is coat your hair with vaseline or some type of heavy oil next time to avoid overlapping and to avoid that when she rinses your hair the run through wont change your curl pattern that muc.

Oh and umm...get someone that you trust to do your hair next time and that fully understands what you want.

You won't get breakage just because some pieces came out relaxed. If that was so every person with relaxed hair would have breakage.

I don't have anything else to add, except that I'm sorry that happened to you.
I had my texlax touch up on last Friday. Yesterday I did my first wash and was not pleasently surprised. Most of the curl was gone from the new growth and it looked frizzy and underprocessed. Some areas are bone straight and I cannot do a wash and go anymore. I am close to tears. The stylist and my mom keep saying the roots will revert but I have washed my hair 4 times and done a protein treatment. I ended up flatironing the mess just so I wouldn't have to deal with 3 in frizzy roots without any curl left and curly ends with straight pieces sprinkled in for good measure. My mom is pushing me to go back to the stylist but I told her that there was nothing she could do. The stylist claims she can strip the chemical from my hair but I don't believe her and really do not want her to touch my hair right now. I am still aiming for full APL this year (scraping APL right now) and I am afraid that using heat weekly will not help in my goal. 3 years of regrowing my hair and finially being happy with it and it was destroyed. The overprocessed hair will never blend and it will take years to grow out. Also at next touch up time, if it comes out right, I will have curly-kinky straight-curly hair and I am afraid of breakage but I do not want to get a full relaxer. I just want to cry. Any suggestions? Can it be salvaged? Can you really strip the relaxer out of over processed hair?

Please do not listen to this stylist. You can't "strip" a chemical that is no longer there. The purpose of the relaxer is to temporarily break the disulfide bonds that create the tight curl pattern (naps, as we call them). Once that hair has been smoothed, the chemical is washed out and the pH of the hair restored with a neutralizing shampoo. The disulfide bonds reform in your hair with the new straight pattern. So you can't go backwards and reform the naturally occuring curl pattern. :nono:

My mother got tricked into this years ago. She wanted a wave noveau curl and the lady said she could strip the relaxer and put the curl on! Unfortunately, she didn't call me first. Well, years later and my mothers hair is still recovering from that madness.
Thanks for all the posts. I am unsure how the roots got fuzzy-they were smoother and tightly curled before my touch up. I think I may try BKT and have a very long transition.
My heart goes out to you. I think that henna or a BKT is a good idea to strengthen your hair.
uh?? I thought it was the other way around she describes frizzy roots and no more curls on her strands= str8 hair and what sounds like underprocessed...

OP , please clarify and if ud have a picture that could help to understand better

I disagree. If OP has overprocessed roots, texlaxed strands (did I get that right?) she is dealing with two differnet textures and demarcation lines.

If not conditioned properly this may lead to breakage from either tangling or from weak overprocessed hair.
Sorry to hear what happened to you,........ me - i'd be fuming!:wallbash:
I don't trust any of these hairdressers out there. That's why i Texlax my own hair, then if i mess up it's MY OWN FAULT.

As someone said earlier, just treat your hair very gently, take time with it & you should be fine.
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Casarela i agree wit you if it was over processed it would be straight but from her describing the texture it seems under processed.

The hairdresser need someone to slap her with a bag of potatoes cause i want to know how in blue blazes she can strip the chemical out of your hair. from this response run the heck away from that salon.
uh?? I thought it was the other way around she describes frizzy roots and no more curls on her strands= str8 hair and what sounds like underprocessed...

OP , please clarify and if ud have a picture that could help to understand better

Casarela i agree wit you if it was over processed it would be straight but from her describing the texture it seems under processed.

The hairdresser need someone to slap her with a bag of potatoes cause i want to know how in blue blazes she can strip the chemical out of your hair. from this response run the heck away from that salon.

Ooops .

I read OP all kinds of wrong. Sorry ladies and OP :ohwell:.

I still would err on the side of caution with all the washing and protein treatments after a chemical process has been done.

Please keep up updated.
I totally agree with the ladies here. You cannot strip a perm in any case. The only way to get rid of that mess is to cut it off!

Also, from yr description of yr hair I would not do the BKT as of yet, yr hair needs time for recovery! I do think the henna is a good idea though!

It will take time and patience on yr end to get through this! I know it's frustrating but patience is definitely a virtue!!!

Also I would definitley up my dc treatments with the protien and followed by the moist. cond. to prevent dryness and excessive breakage!
I did this to myself just recently. My hair at the roots were looser in curl than I like becasue I combed the relaxer in instead of using my hand. Just give your hair some time to grow and the new growth will help to draw your hair up. Don't give up. Also have you had a trim? I just trimmed about an inch of my ends and my hair is looking good. Also you can twist or braid your hair to get to define your curls. You cannot strip a perm, you can only grow one out.
try amla as a last resort! iused it on my mom when she overprocessed and it helped a little