Tempted to color


New Member
I miss my dyed hair so much. Back in the days I had mixed two colors, Sunset Auburn and Spicy Cinnamon, both by Dark & Lovely and ended up with a lovely golden reddish color. I want to dye again but I'm scared of damage. I don't want blonde but something kinda reddish brown. Any safe and gentle dyes out there? I don't think I want permanent but semi-perm will be nice.

If you've seen pics of my most recent color it sounds like that might be what you are looking for.

It's Textures and Tones Bronze - no mixing required.

I think that I would like to color my hair, too, or either highlight it with semi-permanent color. Is it hard to do?
I dedided to color my hair and I really like the results. In the past I would color my hair and it would have horrendous breakage. I am now wiser and smarter about hair care. There are a lot of people who have given me great suggestions on taking care of my hair. Tracey's regimen would be good to follow if you color your hair. My hair is actually still growing. Conditoner washes have helped with the shine. I would suggest you weigh the decision carefully. Maybe you can get away with a rinse. My hair was too dark so I had to lift my hair color. It is now a reddish brown color.
I plan on using my Motions color the end of this month. All I can say is finally I have had it in my cabinet since January.
I have an album in the gallery
Yeah something like that (only mine was a bit more golden but I love the color nonetheless). Is T&T permanent? Because I'm scared it won't look right on me and I'll be stuck with it. (Althought the previous color I had always didn't look right until it was washed out a bit.)
It is permanent - but I kind feel like that color is light enough, but not too light. And if it's not exactly what you want you can do what I do and add a rinse - otherwise known as a "toner" in the color world to tweak it a little. The rinse won't be a negative addition to the color either - it will help protect your hair which will need some TLC anyway. I want mine more golden too for instance, and when I get my relaxer I plan to add an amberish yellow rinse to "gold" it up a bit. Sebastian Honey Wheat is what I have in mind.

Make sure you take care of that hair though....
If your hair is dark will that motions temporary kind of dye your hair the color that it says? With dark hair, I thought the only way to go was permanent if you wanted color.