Teen Fall Growth Challenge


New Member
Ok yall how about this, i know if we did a year long challenge ppl would be slackin like crazy, so break it up into a buncha lil challenges. So lets have this challenge go from September 1st to December 31st. And have a check up tha 1st week in every month. that gives us about 4 months to grow as much as we can and take some good care of our hair. i'm aiming at 2 inches by new years, i'm about 1/2-1 inch from bra strap and i wanna reach that soon. So let me kno what yall think and who's all in.
That's a good idea!I trying to get 2 inches by Christmas. I'm gonna have braids in till Christmas getting them redone every 6 weeks. Good luck to everyone doing this challenge!
I want the front of may hair to be able to get in my mouth and the back of my hair to reach my shoulders
I will have braids starting either Friday or Saturday.

I plan on keeping them in for 1.5 months and then getting them redone. I get my next touch up in November.
count me in im trying to aleast reach shoulder length my hair right now is at the botom of my neck so i need aleats two inches or more but in november im going to get braids since i might be going to florida ya can pm sometimes to see how we all are doping and about other things good luuck to everybody
Well, I won't reach my goal of bra strap by the end of September, I'm about an inch away, so hopefully, at the end of this challenge I'll be at the bottom of bra strap..a girl can dream can't she?
I'm in
I want to gain any kind of growth, I don't care if it's a 1/4 of an inch I'll still be proud
I'm currently in weave
Good luck ladies.
Alright yall, well tha challenge starts sunday or monday... whichever day is tha 1st (i dont got a calendar) so good luck to all of yall's hair goals. I'll post again later but i gotta go 2 school...
Sounds Like fun. I am all in. I hope to gain 2-3 inches by the New Year. I just need to figure out how to fit the CO washes in with school.
eek! is it too late to join now...sorry i haven't really been watching this board as much as i used to what with getting homework done and stuff. well if i still can i'd like to join this challenge. i want the front of my hair to grow to my collarbone, and the back to be at bra strap length by new year's.
mizdyfunctional you look just like my godsister. I had to check your profile to see if it was her or not.

Zuppy, i think it is whatever your goal is , to try and achieve it .
yeah, take the best care of your hair that you possibly can, treat it gentle and everything and be consistant in what you do. If your aiming for legnth, then do all that you can to get those extra inches in.
i'm definitely in. i am also hoping to gain 2 inches by december. but i'm going 2 try to do this without the help of braids. so cross your fingers!
I'll be joining the challenge too. I'm aiming for two inches but because of medical reasons I don't know if I'll reach it. I'll try though!
I'm in yall.im away at school and my hair is in a sewn-in weave and next month im gettin boxbraids so i should be past shoulder length by december. Happy growing!
hwats good yall, i'd like to join. my hair in the back is about an inch past the bottom of my next (in layers- i hate them so) and in the front the longest layer is almost to the bottom of my neck. i wanna have the back grow to between my shoulder blades and i want the front to hit my collar bone