Taking it Back to the Good Old Days-Part Two


Hey ladies...in my never-ending quest to find the right products/regimen for myself, it occured to me that I have found and am happy with all the products that I use externally, but I'm still struggling with the supplements that I consume. It brought me to two conclusions:

1. If I can't drink it, I'm probably not going to take it

2. I'm wasting my money on all these pills.

So, that being said, I evaluated my current supplements. I have biotin, and pantothenic acid, EFA's and a whole bunch of assorted goodies. None of which I use on a consistent basis. Once again, I'm taking it back to the good old days by using products that I KNOW work. That leaves me with only a few products:

1. MSM powder by Trimedica-makes my newgrowth very manageable...good thing if my hair is going to grow faster

2. Ultra Hair Thick Shake-One shake a day, and the growth is amazing...I've easily gotten over an inch in one month before. But, I strayed from it in my quest to find something even better. Never again.

3. Silica Gel-the jury is still out on this one for my hair. I will finish using the bottle for the next month or so, but I don't know that I will replenish my supply

4. Multivitamin-for obvious reasons, it's just good to have. It will the the only tablet I take from now on.

I'll be picking up my Ultra Hair Thick Shake today, and will use it each and every night for the next month. I will post my results at my next touch-up. I think that takes care of my regimen inside and out. I'm going to have to teach myself not to get excited over every product that's listed on the boards though...and stick with what I know and love :)


P.S. Ladies from DC/VA/MD...I'm going to have a TON of stuff to give away at the meeting...be prepared!
Mochalolita said:
P.S. Ladies from DC/VA/MD...I'm going to have a TON of stuff to give away at the meeting...be prepared!

You and me both girlie!

I just finished up my bottle of silica gel. I really don't know what it did though. :ohwell: I am thinking of restocking though to see if this increased growth that I am now seeing might me attributed to that.
blkmaryland said:
Mocha----where can I get the shake in Maryland?

OK, not mocha, but I have seen them in some GNC's and other health stores that sell vitamins (vitamin shoppe, etc).
Sounds like a great plan. I had to seriously cut back on taking too many pills myself. I don't take more than 3-5 a day. I can usually hang with that. I know you'll get good results with the Ultra Thick hair, since it's a protein shake. I usually have a hard time with protein supplements and I believe it is the catalyst forn the elusive (for me anyway :lol: ) 1 inch in a month.

But good news, good news for me. I've recently started taking an egg protein and it's not thick @ all. I drink it every morning for a total of 30 grams including the soy milk. I'll see what my results are in March. Good luck to you and I can't wait to hear your updates. :)
Dana...UHTS is by far the best tasting protein drink i've ever had...and I've had lots. Nothing else even comes close!

Kad...The only thing that I can see silica doing for me is making my nails whiter at the tips and maybe stronger? But I'm inclined to attribute the length and strength to the Sally Hansen treatment I've been using. Now that stuff is a keeper for real! Let me know what results you see, because I haven't seen anything yet...maybe time will tell...

BldMD...Kaddy's right on point...you can get it at most health food stores...call to GNC first if you go, though...a lot of them don't carry it (or at least most of the ones I've been too...)
