Take the dang Vitamin! 30-day Challenge


New Member
Well ladies, I officially have decided to stop buying vitamins and not using them. So, I'm starting a "Take the dang Vitamin! 30 Day Challenge" I just want to get taking vitamins down and see once and for all, if they really make a difference for me? Any takers?

The rules are simple:

-Use up that Biotin/Omega-3/Flaxseed oil/whatever vitamin you've bought, and get it down to a routine, neurological studies show that it takes at least 4-6 weeks to incorporate something new into your daily studies.
-Alsom drink enough water so that the vitamins carry through your system; no point in taking 50 million (yes, I said 50 million) vitamins if you drink one bottle of water a day.

My vitamins are:

Flaxseed Oil
Omega-3 fish oil
A probiotic

Anybody tryna get in on the vitamin's healthy for life thing?

It starts Sunday, December 9th and ends January 6th, 2008.

p.s. I'm not compiling a list...I just don't feel like it. But you know if you're in and if you can't hang.
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This thread literally reminded me that I needed to take my vitamins... so I just took my GNC hair skin and nails formula along with with my MSM.

Those will be the 2 that I take consistently. I need to get some more flaxseed oil capsules too.
I'm in.

I have:

Vitamin C&E combo
Fish Oil

Dang that's a lot. :ohwell:
Yes im in. This sounds just like me, i was telling my mom earlier that my lazy behind needed to just take my vitamins. I buy new ones, and look at them. :sad: I am def. in.
I need to be in this one. I have some boxes just collecting dust.

I'm in. I have to check my cabinet but I think the vitamins I'll be taking are:


And trying to drink more water -- which will probably be the hardest part for me.
Oh, I am so in. I take my vits daily. Not just for hair care, but for overall health. I buy two bottles of each and leave one at work and one at home. That way I have no excuse for not taking them.

My vits:
hair, skin and nails
coral calcium
omega 3-6-9
I'm in. I'll be taking UltraNourish Hair, a calcium supplement, ginseng and a multi-vitamin daily. From time to time, I also take a little extra iron and folic acid to ward off anemia.
I'm in! I find it easy to take my vitamins if, I take my multivitamin first thing in the morning. And my MSM and Biotin at night when I am moisturizing my hair. Don't know why but this works for me.
I'm in. I am taking them anyway, so I might as well. I am doing a modified Bargello(sp) routine. Can't say that I have seen any results yet after 2 mos:perplexed. I will be doing this for a year. I will try to work more water in as well.
Count me in, too. I have full bottles that I need to use up.

Evening Primrose
GNC Hair, skin and nails

I think I heard that it may take up to six months to see results. How much water is every one drink to avoid breakouts.
I just wanna get my DHA in. I've been slacking big time. I'm in!
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I'm a try to be in on this. I just can't seem to remember to take them.

Also, can anyone recommend a better hair, skin and nail vitamin besides the GNC version that is not too expensive. I used my bottle but I can't stand the coating on it. I had to take them with milk so I couldn't taste the coating that was on it. It used to make me nauseas(sp?) :nono:
Hey peoples! Today (Sunday, December 9th) is the first day of the challenge: Did you take your Vitamin's today? And are you drinking your water? I almost forgot (:blush:) but I remembered and am drinking water as we speak (I mean, type).
Hey peoples! Today (Sunday, December 9th) is the first day of the challenge: Did you take your Vitamin's today? And are you drinking your water? I almost forgot (:blush:) but I remembered and am drinking water as we speak (I mean, type).

I took my vitamins but I still have to get in more water.
I am up for the challenge and I already took my vits for the day.
I am currently taking:

flaxseed oil
super b-complex
I'm in!!!! I buy vitamins all the time and never take them.:nono: So this Challenge will help me to take my vitamins more better then I do.:yep:

My list of vitamins are:
Andrew Lessman's Healthy Hair, Skin & Nails

I took them today too!!!!:look: