
New Member
Love your hair and stalk your fotki. I love how you don't actually "style" your hair. That's the kind of regimen and hair I'm striving for.

Well anyway, I know that you basically tie your hair down and use rollers and or swoop it under your hair wrap. It looks flawless for hair at your current length.

What I want to know is, what did you do to it when it was shoulder length and shorter? What was your regimen? Was it the same as it is now?

See my hair is in transition and it's current length is BACK to hovering over shoulder. I had to cut it so basically I'm a year behind where I started. Right now I just sewed in a weave to help me in growing my hair

I want to know what to do with it when I wear it straight at my current length. I can't get it past shoulder onto brastrap for nothing. Help if you can with any in between length hair regimen advice.

Thanks in Advance!
how did I know you'd say that.

I wanted to post it just in case someone else had the same issues.

I'll pm her also.

FeelinIt said:
Love your hair and stalk your fotki. I love how you don't actually "style" your hair. That's the kind of regimen and hair I'm striving for.

Well anyway, I know that you basically tie your hair down and use rollers and or swoop it under your hair wrap. It looks flawless for hair at your current length.

What I want to know is, what did you do to it when it was shoulder length and shorter? What was your regimen? Was it the same as it is now?

See my hair is in transition and it's current length is BACK to hovering over shoulder. I had to cut it so basically I'm a year behind where I started. Right now I just sewed in a weave to help me in growing my hair

I want to know what to do with it when I wear it straight at my current length. I can't get it past shoulder onto brastrap for nothing. Help if you can with any in between length hair regimen advice.

Thanks in Advance!

Hi sooo sorry:-))
I wish I knew about this when my hair was shorter, it would have def worked for my shorter hair as well. When my hair was shorter I was still wrapping it(doobie) around head evrynite then tieing with scarf. Then I discovered the no combing and get up and go after I reached brastrap...but yes it would soo work for u at your current length. If u don't mind having flat sleek hair and wearing the same style for The main thing when your transitioning is keepin that new growth/roots under control and moisturized. When I was stretching, I kept hair tied down and new growth always laid flat. It didn't hav to be combed long as it looked smooth and flat then that was good enuf for me. Try not to manipulate your roots.
I hope this helped u in some way:-)
mppaul2 said:
Yes, very good idea:) i had a similar question and did pm her..but haven't received a response. Please let us know if you have better luck;)

I am so sorry, I 'm going thru my PM's right now and will respond to you soon
Thanks for the answering so quicly. I figured it was about the same. Did you use the same products?

I have several issues when using the tie down method:

1-I'd love to tie it really tight, but then I get headaches so I have to loosen it up

2-Sleeping in rollers sucks. Any good rec's for softer rollers. I bought the gold ones and they work well BUT the damn pipecleaners they made them out of started to stick through the flimsy material.

3-nappy and SERIOUSLY hard to deal with nape area. My nape area looks like splotchy spotty beaded up dry brush. Wearing tie downs I fear only make it look worse.

I'll try this method though when I straighten again. If I can make it to below shoulder, I'll be so happy.

Thanks again!
Thank you for your response!! Your PM mailbox is full and would not let me send a reply. I'm at 9 weeks post and will take your suggestion to continue on to through the winter with no chemicals. Going to do the Aphogee and continue with the nuture mode.:)
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