Switching fro No-Lye to Lye


Well-Known Member
Is there something that I need to know before switching from a no-lye to a lye relaxer? Can I just use a lye relaxer next time? What (negative) effects will this have on my hair?
Everyone is different but for me it seems like everytime I switch from one to another my hair breaks in certain spots. The crown on one side or my nape area. I don't know if it was the person who put it in my hair or my lack of knowledge in not knowing that when I do switch I need to step up the conditioning and protein around that time. Also I never knew the difference of lye and no lye until coming here. Then I start to look back on when those switches were made and I start to remember that at those times (not everytime) that my hair would break in those sensitive areas.
I did this two years ago and it came out very frizzy, I have struggled wiht the texture matting together for 2 years and I just recently switched back. Some lyes dont straighten well, so if you dont mind that then you may be ok Just dont overlapp