Swimming and transitioning?


Well-Known Member
Hi, everyone.

Here's the situation :grin:: in a few weeks my job is having a big BBQ/pool party. I'm wondering what I can do with my hair (what to wear is a whooooooole nother story :spinning:). The biggest challenge is that I'm transitioning, so if i bun my hair, and it gets wet my natural roots will start to puff up when they dry. But, if I just keep my hair wet, the texture differences will be pretty obvious.

I would love to try two-strand twists, but I think my relaxed ends are too skinny for that now. I also don't think braids/weaves/etc. would be ideal since it's just a one-day event.

I think I will probably bun it and see if I can find a pretty silk scarf to wear as a headband, but I'm wondering if you all have any other ideas.

What would you do?
It's not like I'm going to the beach or on a cruise with my friends who are on their own HHJs. I will be with coworkers and my bosses, so I don't want to look like a HAM.


(All of this of course assumes I don't just BC beforehand out of frustration :look:.)