Swimmers...how do you care for your hair??


Well-Known Member
OK so summer is here and its getting hot (Yes that is shocking for the UK weather....) I am dying to go swimming as I havent been for atleast 5 years. Why you ask? This is all pre LHCF so back then I didnt know so well about caring for my hair. Now that I am getting somewhere with my hair goals I dont want to mess things up.

So for those that are natural I would especially live to here about what you do to combat chlorine buildup or just general hair care when you go swimming and how often you go.

For those that are not natural but still want offer a gurl ready for a dive some tips on hair care while on a swimming fitness routine please start typing....

Here's a great post on hairandhealth.blogspot.com about chlorine and hair:

And a couple of threads:

The best thing I've learned is to wet your hair and then load it with conditioner before you get in the pool because it makes it harder for your hair to absorb the chlorine. And make sure to wear a swim cap. It won't keep all the water out but it helps. Last, use a swimmer's shampoo like Aubrey's and stay up on your DC'ing.
I'll be jumping in the pool all this week.

I plan to up my DC game and make sure I don't let my post pool wet chlorinated hair dry.

Washing and conditioning your hair, after the pool, while it is still wet makes a huge difference IMO.
So long as the DC is not noticeably spilling into the pool attracting negative attention I'm all for it....bad experience as a child :S
I'll be jumping in the pool all this week.

I plan to up my DC game and make sure I don't let my post pool wet chlorinated hair dry.

Washing and conditioning your hair, after the pool, while it is still wet makes a huge difference IMO.

Now thats an idea...I could wash my hair there and the smother my hair with DC then sneak into the steam/sauna to to really get that going!

So long as the DC is not noticeably spilling into the pool attracting negative attention I'm all for it....bad experience as a child :S

:lachen::lachen:This is what I am afraid of....I dont want a little patch of white chemical sipping through and risk having anyone think I am contaminating the pool. But I will try condition the sealing on top of that plus the swimmers cap with the little strap under the chin.
Now thats an idea...I could wash my hair there and the smother my hair with DC then sneak into the steam/sauna to to really get that going!

Ohhh your idea sounds better than mine girl :grin:!!!

:lachen::lachen:This is what I am afraid of....I dont want a little patch of white chemical sipping through and risk having anyone think I am contaminating the pool. But I will try condition the sealing on top of that plus the swimmers cap with the little strap under the chin.

True. I may try just wetting the hair then using a little coconut oil or EVOO so it is less noticeable when I jump in the pool :ohwell:
:lachen::lachen:This is what I am afraid of....I dont want a little patch of white chemical sipping through and risk having anyone think I am contaminating the pool. But I will try condition the sealing on top of that plus the swimmers cap with the little strap under the chin.

True. I may try just wetting the hair then using a little coconut oil or EVOO so it is less noticeable when I jump in the pool :ohwell:

I've found that it's not noticeable at all if you're wearing a swim cap. Actually, even if you aren't there's more than enough water in the pool to dilute the conditioner. If it has that many chemicals that it's easily noticed in the pool you probably shouldn't be using it in your hair.

Oil works as well. The most important part is making sure your hair is wet before you get in the water and that it's covered up.
when i swam a lot in the fall i would wash or co- wash after the pool, put in lots of he ltr leave in and then put my hair into a low braid after my hair dried it had lovely waves.
For the last three weeks I've been swimming 2-3x a week. I always wet my hair and put conditioner on it, then put on a shower/conditioning cap, then put on a swim cap. I ALWAYS put on the conditioning cap first because putting on a swim cap on wet hair can cause A LOT of pulling! It doesn't really help keep out water anymore, but it makes it easier to put on the swim cap. Once I get out of the pool, I thoroughly rinse my hair at the gym, slap on more conditioner and go home. At home I get in the shower rinse more and then cowash. I make sure to chelate once a week and since I'm in both deep conditioning challenges I DC about 3x a week. I've only been doing this for three weeks, but so far no breakage!

BTW I'm relaxed.
Now thats an idea...I could wash my hair there and the smother my hair with DC then sneak into the steam/sauna to to really get that going!

:lachen::lachen:This is what I am afraid of....I dont want a little patch of white chemical sipping through and risk having anyone think I am contaminating the pool. But I will try condition the sealing on top of that plus the swimmers cap with the little strap under the chin.

For the last three weeks I've been swimming 2-3x a week. I always wet my hair and put conditioner on it, then put on a shower/conditioning cap, then put on a swim cap. I ALWAYS put on the conditioning cap first because putting on a swim cap on wet hair can cause A LOT of pulling! It doesn't really help keep out water anymore, but it makes it easier to put on the swim cap. Once I get out of the pool, I thoroughly rinse my hair at the gym, slap on more conditioner and go home. At home I get in the shower rinse more and then cowash. I make sure to chelate once a week and since I'm in both deep conditioning challenges I DC about 3x a week. I've only been doing this for three weeks, but so far no breakage!

BTW I'm relaxed.

I've been doing pretty much what ChemistryGirl does. The conditioning cap is key, I think, because the swim cap alone will tear your hair up. To be honest, I don' chelate...I just make sure to cowash well after the swim, and I deep condition with both a moisturizing and a protein treament weekly. And I do the steam treatment at the gym in the steam room. Feels really good!
OK so summer is here and its getting hot (Yes that is shocking for the UK weather....) I am dying to go swimming as I havent been for atleast 5 years. Why you ask? This is all pre LHCF so back then I didnt know so well about caring for my hair. Now that I am getting somewhere with my hair goals I dont want to mess things up.

So for those that are natural I would especially live to here about what you do to combat chlorine buildup or just general hair care when you go swimming and how often you go.

For those that are not natural but still want offer a gurl ready for a dive some tips on hair care while on a swimming fitness routine please start typing....


I braid the hair or slick it back for swimming. But before, I put vaseline, Posner's Bergamot or a combination of it as a sealant to hair that's been slathered with conditioner or shea butter/aloe. Then after swimming, be sure to use very hot water (as much as you can stand) for rinsing body and hair. Then shampoo and/or conditioner wash with a cheapie one. I heard that ION products for swimmers is a good product and you can get it at Sally Beauty Supply.
Went to the pool yesterday. In a squirt bottle I added water, a little Suave Humectant , and Aussie 3 Minute Miracle. The night before I moisturized my hair with Shea Butter.

After the pool I immediately rinsed out my hair and it was literally like BUTTER! DC's and called it a day!!!

No tangles, breakage, or dry hair at all!!!!
Similar to what others have posted:

Wet hair.
Put in 4 utility braids (that's my code for "don't expect perfect parts")
Put on conditioner cap.
Put on swim cap.
Hit the pool!

After swimming, wash, making sure to rinse really well, and condition.

That's for the pool. For the ocean I just go with my puff.