
Hi Ladies,

I am about to begin swimming at least 3x's/week for cardio exercise and I am curious to know how those who swim regularly are caring for and protecting their hair.

I plan on putting conditioner on my hair and wearing a swim cap while in the water, then co-washing when I'm done. Other than that I am at a loss. Any regimens and/or advice will be greatly appreciated!! :yep:

Thanks in advance!!

- NJ -

P.S. I forgot to throw in there that I am natural; I'm not sure if that changes anything :ohwell:
The swim cap/conditoner is a GOOD idea! You can generate lots of heat so the conditioner can sink in. I'm gonna steal your idea and do that when I exercize in the morning!

I'm co washing 5 times a week and deep conditioning 2 times a week. I'll rollerset every now and then, when I get bored to death of wet buns!
My daughter is 11 and is also natural...she swims about once a week... I saturate her hair with conditioner afterwards and put in big braids and allow it to air dry then she just wears it out for the rest of the week (braid out)... basically you have a good regimen... I think you will be fine.
I wet my hair first in the shower. I spray a leave in like Infusion 23 or PM Conditioner. I don't use a swim cap. I put it in a low ponytail. After I'm done swimming I shampoo with Nexxus Aloe Rid Clarifying Shampoo and follow with whatever moisturizing conditioner I chose. Style and air dry. I'm natural head and I wash and go. Thats it.
Bumping for more regimes! I'm taking a swimming class next semester and I need help! I don't want all of my progress to go to waste :nono:
I would love to know too. A couple of people answered my question about it in this thread Damp Hair for the summer. More responses would be great though. I will be swimming 2x's a week for most of the summer and don't want to damage my hair. I don't think I'll be clarifying after every swim, maybe once a week? Someone in that thread said they only cowashed their hair and that was enough to get rid of the chlorine. I also plan to wet my hair, put on conditioner and wear a swim cap. However someone said they tried the conditioner under the swim cap thing, and some conditioner dripped in their eye and it really hurt! I will be wearing goggles so I don't think that will be a problem for me. I'm hoping more people will respond though, I'm terrified of chlorine b/c it's broken my hair off before.
I haven't began to swim this summer due to my daggone ears , however..I usually swim 2-3xs a week. I'd just wash my hair regularly and Deep condition everytime with atleast one of those washes being a good clarifying wash. My cousin has a poo and CO made for swimmers, I'm not really sure how good it is tho. I'll have to get the name of it.
Pls do let us know when you find out about the swimmer's poo and con. Are they moisturizing? When I went swimming yesterday I used the AO Swimmer's shampoo for the first time and it was soooo stripping! It felt like I'd just used a neutralizing shampoo. Ugh. I prefer ORS Creamy Aloe Shampoo for now. The AO Swimmer's conditioner was really nice though. I think that's what I will be using on my hair under the swim cap.

I haven't began to swim this summer due to my daggone ears , however..I usually swim 2-3xs a week. I'd just wash my hair regularly and Deep condition everytime with atleast one of those washes being a good clarifying wash. My cousin has a poo and CO made for swimmers, I'm not really sure how good it is tho. I'll have to get the name of it.
I asked my cousin which ones they are.. she said they're made by ION..So went to sallys for this. She didn't give me any idea as to if they were moisturizing to the hair or not (she doesn't really care if it is or not as long as it cleans her hair) I guess i'll try it out when i'm able to swim..