Surge + Braids = am I dreamin'?


Hair product junkie reloaded!
Surge + Braids = am I dreamin\'?

I plan on taking my braids out the first or second week of December.....they have lasted pretty well and I started surging this month every night. I didn't surge the first 4 weeks I had the braids because I knew my hair would start growing and I wanted to make my style last....

I started Surging with braids and I am glad to say that my hair is growing. I may have to take my braids down but I am so far pleased with the results...btw, when I had braids and wasnt Surging, I didn't noticed much growth....but since Surging, I have noticed it.

Re: Surge + Braids = am I dreamin\'?

Yep. I have been surging like crazy this past week, I used it off and on. But I think my new growth is thicker. My hair feels like I am 12 weeks post relaxer instead of 7. I hope I dont have any damage when I go to relax!
Re: Surge + Braids = am I dreamin\'?

I've been doing the same thing!!! I wear twists and surge twive a day and my hair is growing quite well.
Re: Surge + Braids = am I dreamin\'?

Just got my braids last week. I'm w/you guys I surge 2x a day also! I hope my braids don't last a full 2 months because of the new growth! /images/graemlins/smile.gif /images/graemlins/grin.gif /images/graemlins/smile.gif /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Re: Surge + Braids = am I dreamin\'?

PittGirl06 said:
I plan on taking my braids out the first or second week of December.....they have lasted pretty well and I started surging this month every night. I didn't surge the first 4 weeks I had the braids because I knew my hair would start growing and I wanted to make my style last....

I started Surging with braids and I am glad to say that my hair is growing. I may have to take my braids down but I am so far pleased with the results...btw, when I had braids and wasnt Surging, I didn't noticed much growth....but since Surging, I have noticed it.


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You sound like me! I got my hair braided October 29th, didn't Surge for 1 week, then restarted Surging and spraying Palmer's Virgin Olive Oil every looks lkke I've had my braids in for 2 months! The new growth is ridiculous! I'm loving it! /images/graemlins/clap.gif
Re: Surge + Braids = am I dreamin\'?

Ok, I have to add my 5 cents......I've had my braids in for 7 weeks and the new growth is phenomenal. I didn't Surge for the first week and a half but as soon as I started, the hair went crazy....unfortunately I have had a few scalp burns with the surge as it can be drying and I was spraying it in about 3 times a day and massaging my scalp. Anyway, I am now adding light oils to my scalp daily and my scalp is healing nicely. I won't use the surge again until it's all healed.

I think some of the Surge can be a bit concentrated so if I find this to be the case I dilute it with a little distilled water to be on the safe side.

Oh and I shampoo once a week using the tips & techniques from

My braids will be coming out in the next week and a half.
Re: Surge + Braids = am I dreamin\'?

Yep, ditto, to what everybody else said....and just to chime in with the Biotin cream, it's a miracle...
Re: Surge + Braids = am I dreamin\'? guys are really making me want to jump on the surge bandwagon. I bought a bottle of surge over 5 months ago and it is still sitting in my bathroom. I am just too afraid to use it.
Re: Surge + Braids = am I dreamin\'?

no you aren't dreamin. I have small individual braids and I didnt use Surge for the first month and use Surge every other day now and my hair is growing like crazy. I am getting my hair done on Dec 11th. I am lucky that I know how to mention my hair with braids or else I will have a big mess on my hands.
Re: Surge + Braids = am I dreamin\'?

Oh, I really wish I could get my hands on some surge!!! I live in CT and it is impossible to find here unless i order it from the internet and that would cost like $10.
oglorious1- where did you buy your Biotin creme?
Re: Surge + Braids = am I dreamin\'?

@ lovelyloc....did u try walgreens or another drug store? that is where I got mine. I periodically due my own cornrows and surge while they are in. Before I could get them to last at least 2 1/2 weeks but with surge the don't make it that long.
Re: Surge + Braids = am I dreamin\'?

I think that's the best way to use Surge...with braids! You get a full coverage of the product on your hair this way! I got about 1- 1 3/4 inches all around my head (pics in album) from using Surge for about 1 month. I'm glad you're getting good results! /images/graemlins/clap.gif
Re: Surge + Braids = am I dreamin\'?

Yes I love it! I am having money problems though and I cannot afford to get them redone this December (though the African girl that did them for me only charged 30 euros...can u believe that????) after I take my braids down, I will use up the rest of my surge and will be on the "don't leave the house without a silk scarf" Or I will just do daily co washes and wig it up!
Re: Surge + Braids = am I dreamin\'?

DANG I wish I had the patience for braids! I surge sporadically, but I need to up my spraying to at least once a day, so I can get to my hair goal by April!
Re: Surge + Braids = am I dreamin\'?

i'm going to start doing this again because I got crazy growth the first time I did it. I have to remember to RINSE MY HAIR DAILY because I burned my scalp when I didn't rinse it out.