Support thread for CONSTANT shedders


New Member
I have been suffereing with chronic, constant shedding for a long while now. This is NOT just the run of the mill seasonal shedding that occurs around this time of year. My shedding last throughout the year. When I shampoo, condition, and detangle, I find that I'm losing lots of hairs. I can just touch my hair and pull come away with hairs. I noticed that Adrienne has been suffering with this lately. BTW, Adrienne, your shed hair pics were most helpful in helping me see that I'm not the only one who sheds that much. But of course, you've got more hair than I.
I am also recently suffering from breakage. For about a year I used Aphogee to control or head off any breakage, but it hasn't worked recently. I really hate that I have breakage on top of this annoying shedding. Is there anyone else out there who is going through this. I need some support/HELP!!!!
I am here for you girl

I have the same problem. I shed ALL the time and it's not just the 10 or 20 strands....its a nice little ball of hair each time. Lately I changed a couple of things that seem to be helping. First I started doing the Aubrey GPB deep conditioning w/heat followed by a cholesterol or other thick type of conditioner. I do this every 1 1/2 weeks or so.

The other thing that I had to stop doing which I noticed is really making a difference.....and please nobody fall out when I say this
......I slowed down on the conditioner washes. They made my hair soft and all and easier to detangle but I had a lot of buildup on my scalp and I think that may have been inhibiting some of my growth. So I started doing shampoo washes with Nioxin every week and I wash with a regular shampoo the other times. Basically my routine is
day 1: Wash w/Nioxin
day 2: nothing
day 3: CO wash
day 4: nothing
day 5: Wash w/ some other shampoo
day 6: nothing
day 7: wash w/Nioxin, deep condition & protein

I skip a day and start the cycle over. I've been doing this for about 3 weeks now and I've noticed less shedding. I hasn't stopped but it has gotten better. My advice would be to find a set of products that work well for you and plan out your routine then do it for at least a solid week to see what is working for you.
melodee said: When I shampoo, condition, and detangle, I find that I'm losing lots of hairs. I can just touch my hair and pull come away with hairs.

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This is what i'm going through right now. No breakage just shedding. I started doing weekly cholesterol treatments and started taking my vitamins again. I have to add that i was natural until 2 months ago when i texturized my hair. I don't know if maybe this is the cause of all the shedding
I feel hair is shedding a lot too. Tonight I did a preshampoo treatment that Ill wash out in the morning, and I got a small ball of hair just from applying the warm oil to my hair *SIGH*....

Im going to use the capilo sole and cinnamon conditioner tomorrow...its supposed to "act over the scalp, tighteningh and helping prevent the hair from falling, leaving it soft, silky, and brilliant"....if it does its job then I hit the lottery for $1.50 a jar!lol

Im also going to start wearing a phony pony for a while to give my hair a rest from daily manipulation. I will give my hair a good washing and deep conditioner, and wear the phony pony for a week, then repeat till whenever. this worked in the past so Im resorting back to what I know works!
my hair has been shedding a lot too lately. the funny thing is, i just got highlights a few days ago, and i've noticed that since then i have had almost no shedding. i think that the deep conditioner that my stylist used is what stopped it. (well, actually the way she does it) when i deep condition, i'm always too lazy to sit under the dryer. when she deep conditions my hair, she always puts me under the dryer.

how do y'all ladies that are experiencing a lot of shedding deep condition? do you sit under the dryer every time?
Maybe your hair has got used to some of the products. Try changing from Aphogee treament to Nexxus emergencee. Also nruseN98 regimen sounds good. Iused follow a similar regimen using different products ( got kinky twists now)as nurseN98 and the shedding has slowed down. HTH Keep us posted
It seems the closer I get to touch-up time the more hair I shed! Why? What does one thing have to do with another? Does it mean that I'm pulling more of it out? I'm as gentle as I can be. It's really frustrating.
I have had ALOT of shedding for many years. My hair also sheds throughout the year, not just seasonally. My hair is still thick, it hasn't thinned so I try not to worry about it too much although it is still bothersome. Is it really possible to stop shedding from the follicle? I thought it was normal/natural.
I have always been a big shedder too. The next bottle of shampoo I buy will be garlic shampoo to see if it helps.
Ok, I'm bumpig b/c I asked this question a while back and got minimal answers, so if anymore people can give advice it's much needed. I think that mines was do to rust being in the water of one of my pipes, everytime I shampoo in the shower I get much shedding, (note to self :**BUY SHOWER FILTER**)
Queenie said:
I have always been a big shedder too. The next bottle of shampoo I buy will be garlic shampoo to see if it helps.

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Can you purchase this garlic shampoo online?
I also think this is a great thread!

I no longer experience shedding, but I just wanted to share that I used to have LOTS of shedding with NO-LYE relaxers. Once I stopped with the NO-LYE, the shedding stopped as well. This is not a bash against NO-LYE, of course, many ladies have great experiences with NO-LYE, but this is my experience.

I now use LYE relaxers, with no excessive shedding.
I shed horribly too. I detangle once a week and during that process I lose enough hair to make a ball the size of my hand (not a compacted ball but just the fluff you pick out of the shower). I always think I'm going to be bald after I see all that hair but I never am. I think for me it is not detangling enough. My hair is natural and I think I need to detangle twice a week rather than once. Also I decided yesterday that I will no longer leave conditioner in my hair which must have been part of the problem because my hair seems stronger today.
Nutrine makes a garlic shampoo (and conditioner], that will almost def help with constant unprovoked shedding.

This is a sitch where garlic will def help. Get the unscented version. You can also add unscented garlic oil to your conditioners and shampoos for the same effect.
I don't use it that often. The Nutrine version is a bit harsh - I try to use it every other wash while the problem persists - and I wash about 2-3 times a week. Once your shedding is in check go back to regular shampoos. If it starts up again, rotate in the shampoo.

If you use the garlic oil added to the products you already use, you may be able to get away with doing it more often. You could use the conditioner as often as you like.

Disclaimer - I mention that garlic oil option because I've heard of it, but I've never done it. I've used garlic added to conditioner, and I've used prepared shampoo, but never the oil, so I'm not sure how it works.
I tried the garlic oil option... but rather I crushed about 5 cloves of garlic and mixed that with enough olive oil to cover my scalp... then.... I wet my hair and put the garlic/olive oil mix on my scalp... and let it sit for about an hour... shampooed it out with my regular Keracare shampoo... deep conditioned. And this week lots less shedding went from 4 quarter-sized balls of hair to 1 nickle-sized ball. If I had had the time this last weekend I would've repeated it. This was cheap way to do the garlic shampoo thing and it seems to work.

Some of the things that I will do the next time:

Mix the oil with either a different oil or conditioner...for some reason olive oil feels hard on my hair and doesn't spread well.

Try straining the crushed garlic flesh...maybe use was hard to spread that stuff in my hair and while I washed most of it out... I still had a couple of tiny flakes in my hair.
I average 50-100 shed hairs per day. I've tried Nutrine but I think con washes with AO GPB and not trying to extend my retouches for too long have helped the most.
Thursdaygirl how about puree the garlic and then add it to the bottle of oil, like they do in the dominican salons.
That might work Shawnee...I will have to try it. I don't have a food processor and my blender is too i was just crushing the garlic with a mortar and pestle... I will try that though thanks!
What else is everyone doing to combat shedding?

I think I'm going to use my AO GPB consistently for the next couple of weeks to see if I notice a difference.
Since I had my son (2yrs ago), I turned into a shedder too /images/graemlins/frown.gif I shed about 75 to 100 strands per day depending on the mood of my scalp...

When I take hair vitamins the shedding drops to about 25-50% but I hardly remember to take those pills /images/graemlins/frown.gif
I use Follicure Hair vitamins, they sell them at Sallys
Thanks Miosy. I can't believe I've missed your album. You have BEAUTIFUL hair!!! /images/graemlins/grin.gif Your 1 yr comparison pic literally had me.../images/graemlins/shocked.gif
I am strating to's that time of year for me. Has the garlic helped your shedding?

puree the garlic and then add it to the bottle of oil, like they do in the dominican salons.

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I am strating to's that time of year for me. Has the garlic helped your shedding?

puree the garlic and then add it to the bottle of oil, like they do in the dominican salons.

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What an awesome thread! I think many of us are experiencing this and I don't think there is a definitive solution. Sometimes it's diet (lack of protein/water), sometimes is hormonal ( I notice I shed more during menses and ovulation). It can also be stress related, whether it's emotional or chemical (relaxers, color, etc). Then there are those with natural hair that have chronic shedding and they don't have any chemicals!!! I'm at a loss.

I saw a really reputable African American dermatologist in my area the other day (has been written up in Essence) and I asked her a little about shedding but didn't really go in depth because I was there for a different reason. I need to schedule a f/u appointment in a few weeks so I'd be happy to take this one on and gather as much info as I can on the matter. I'll also do some independent research on the topic since I'm a RESEARCH HOUND!

If any of you that are experiencing this problem (and it's severe) have access to a reputable dermatologist, I'd recommend making a visit as well. One thing I used to be really good about doing when I was shedding a lot more (sounds gross), was to literally take the balls of hair that came out after washing/conditioning and put them in an envelope and lable them w/the date. I would then compare throughout the month to see if I was losing more or less hair. It also gave me the ability to count the strands to see if it was normal based on stats (50-100 hairs per day is supposed to be normal). I also wrote down what I used on my hair that day to see if certain products made me shed less.

I know this was long but hope it helped a little. I'll let you know what I'm able to find out...
