Supplements for THICKER hair


Active Member
Hello there, I just wanted to know of any supplements that are available to thicken the hair. I know MSM is very popular, but I'm cautious about the idea that it can cause vivid dreams and nightmares. I took MSM once for a couple weeks and got a lot of shedding and headaches which I know is due to the detoxification process.

-I currently take NeoCell Collagen (I had stopped taking it for a while because I ran out and forgot to buy some more and it did thicken my hair whilst taking it)

-Vitamin B5, I just started taking this, as I read it can help to thicken the hair

-Flaxseed oil, also just taking this too

-Bamboo Silica, I think I want to up this to see benefits because I don't think it's done much for me personally

I wanted to know of other supplements that I could add to my regimen for thicker hair. I have also tried Biotin, which I didn't see it do much in terms of my hair on my head as it did for my body hair and nail growth. I've also tried Hairfinity, which didn't do anything for me personally and also N-Acetyl Cysteine, but nothing from that, but I may try this again, because I wasn't consistent with this particular one.

I have JBCO also, but I would like to see if there are some internal option also.

Any suggestions would be great.

TIA and HHG !
If you have the funds, Viviscal.
I am taking it to boost growth, but it's made my hair wayyyy thicker. I have been taking it for about 5 months.
I would say Silica or even Viviscal. I loved the old formula without the biotin(it causes me to breakout). I've been using Viviscal on and off for years and it has been one that I would always take. And you get a lot for the money. I would take only 1 a day and saw great results for growth and thick hair(and I have somewhat fine hair.)