Summer CHallenge-- The Wrap Up!!


Beauty and Fashion Junkie
Well ladies-- how did your challenges go?

My hair grew about 2 inches, then I had to cut about 2 inches off, so I am only about an inch longer than when I started but my hair is thicker and healthier so I am happy. But I think it's official-- im gonna transition but I just dont know when to begin-- i think I am going to wait until I get some more info and research on caring for natural hair.

QUESTION: Do you think we should do a new year's eve challenge? that way we can start the year with some gorgeous hair? I am in if anyone else is interested please post.
I did fairly well on the summer challenge. I airdried from late may until mid July completely and ever since then alternated airdryiing with rollersetting at a salon. All of my tangling issues are now history, so I think I have improved the condition of my hair. I also gained 1.5-2 inches. I wanna be at bra strap by the new year. So count me in on the new years challenge !!
Count me in as part of the New Year's Challenge! Actually, this will put me in good stead for my 20th High School Reunion in November!

Count me in! I think my hair did well for the summer challenge. I was only a little shy of my actual 3 inch goal. Maybe about a 1/2 inch. I hope by New Years to be just above shoulders.
ok well its official we will have a new years challenge-- post your goals along with your results of the summer challenge and we'll continue with the same format that we have now-- posts every 2 weeks or so. I'm soo Excited!
I think I did okay with the Summer Challenge, my hair is healthy I think I had some growth but I am not sure how much. I just want to stick with what I have been doing to make sure my hair stays healthy.
My hair did okay as well. The longest strands of my layered hair barely touch my bra strap. I hope by the end of October that I will be completely there with trims and all. I am ready for New Year's challenge!!!!
Luvhair - I just want to say thanks for keeping us up to date and honest all summer long.

Gotta love ya girl.

I did well - I am still mourning the loss of my haircolor
but the new look is not a bad one and it's more in keeping with the "Tracy" I need to be for the next year or so. I have some serious job hunting to do and I need to look pretty conservative.

I have discovered some WONDERFUL things about my hair this summer - what it will do, how easy it can be to maintain and how little I actually have to do to get it to thrive. It still grows quite slowly so I only got about an inch or two over the summer but it's only about 2 inches or so from brastrap and my last trim (two weeks ago) went beautifully. I got a quarter inch taken off and I'm going to try to extend the next one until around the beginning of the year.

I'm definitely down for the New Years' Eve Challenge.
I cut off at least 2 inches in the beginning. But recovered it in short time. Like Tracy, I'm learning what works and what doesn't work on my hair. I'm still combating dryness periodically. One of my goals for the Fall/Winter months is to master my hairs moisture! It's key for my hair growth.

I also need to find a product that softens my new gowth a bit more. When I new growth feels like a rats nest! I used to think my hair was getting thinner at the ends when I refrained from heat styling for long periods of time. Turns out my hair shrinks and shrinks which makes the ends look thinner. But when I straighten it my hair is thick all over.
Well, I had to go back to see what I said:

*****I thought I'll go ahead and post my regimen for the Summer Grow Out Challenge:

--wash at least once/week with herbal shampoo mixture: shikakai,amla, areetha and Earthly Delight Shampoo.

--pre-shampoo with EVOO, shea butter, coconut oil or Amla oil.

--condition with Lotus Plus(using Hennalucent until I receive Lotus) followed by deep moisturizer: Paul Mitchell or Moisturfuse.

--condition wash/ACV rinse every other day.

--apply Proven Oil Blend 3xweek.

--hair spray moisturizer mixture: glycerin, h2o, ess. oils and Infusium 23.

--World of Curls gel activator and vaseline for ends(thanks Adrienne).

--protective style will be clip-on pony tail, braid-out or bantu knots.

--continue vitamins, water in-take, diet and exercerise.

I'm at week 13 and I wish I could last til July . Also, I started the challenge on May 1st.*******

Needless to say, I did not follow none of the above, except wash my hair weekly. I stopped the curl activator since it was drying my hair out. Anyway, I did get 3 inches of growth
. And like some of the other ladies mentioned, I also found out what worked for me. Add my name to the New Year's Eve Challenge.
Hey! I wanna participate. The longest length of my hair was past my bra strap but needed to be cut badly because of ragesdy ends. I want to get back to below bra length by New Years! Less heat, faithful deep conditioning and vitamin taking will be my key ingredients!
This summer, I've retained about 2 inches. I've identified products that suit me (see signature) and 2 staple styles (bun updo with Good Hair Days pins, blow/airdried ringlets down). I've lost too much hair during detangling combouts in the shower (it's saved in my hair diary). I've given up protein conditioners -- the benefits don't outweigh the tangling and hard hair. I'm not sure that all the supplements have increased my growth rate.

This fall I'll explore straightening alternatives to Affirm lye mild relaxer and try to improve my detangling technique. I'll wear my hair up more often and try to gain 3 inches by New Years.
I wasn't doing the summer challenge, but I'll report on my summer progress.

*Well I stopped using the hair dryer in late June and I think air drying is really working for me.

*I got a touch up July 11th, and started taking PP Biotin and B-Complex on July 14th (I felt itchies in 6 days--they have since subsided).
*I cut off a couple inches of bad ends in late August, but I didn't measure my hair prior to or after the trim. I guess I'm not really into measuring my hair. It's a little past my shoulders is all I know. It's a comfortable length for me because this is the length my hair was all through high school (despite my efforts to grow it longer--must've been the blow dryer frying my ends
*I tried some products, not a lot, but some. I really like Aubrey's GPB, and my hair seems to enjoy Profectiv Break-Free. I'm using John Frieda's Relax serum too but I was already using that. When it runs out I might go back to the original Frizz-Ease serum or try some of that Smooth Intense everyone is talking about. Everything else I tried will not be re-bought. I'm still in serious testing phase. I want to try some more Aubrey's and Profectiv stuff and develop a solid regimen.

*My goal is bra strap and I am TOTALLY up for a New Year's Challenge (I'm also doing the Bun Challenge). Because of my recent significant trim, I don't think I will reach my goal by then. I think I need to go ahead and measure my new growth so I can figure out my growth rate. That'll give me a better idea of how much length to expect by New Year's.

Bring on the long, flowing hair!!

well I just wanted to make sure we are all going to stick through this-- I mean at the beginning of the summer challenge we had soo many people sign up and now... so few. But I don't care if there is just 2 people doing it I just want to make sure we are all going to hang in there together. WE CAN DO THIS TOGETHER!!

Oh and my goal is to finally reach bra strap by new Years eve-- at which point I will decide whether I will truly become a natural or not.
I did okay too. My hair grew about 2 inches from June to now. I think I will rebraid in Oct. to stretch out the time between perms. My scalp seemed to enjoy the longer break over the summer.
Count me in too please!

I've gained about 1.5 inches in the last 8 weeks and I am really trying to give my hair the attention it deserves... especially through consistent mositurizing with good products and wrapping at nite.

My aims for the New Year are to:

-- Gain 3 more inches in new growth
-- Eliminate the daily direct heat I use on my hair (roller-setting more and growing it to ponytail length)
-- Keep more hair!
I was not apart of the Summer Challenge but will definately be apart of the New Years Eve Challenge. Good Luck Ladies!
Count me in.

My goal for New Years Eve will be to have healthy bra-strap length hair in the back, and to grow out the layers in the front & sides of my hair.

My summer challenge went o.k. I got a trim a few weeks ago and lost most of the length I gained over the summer, but i HAVE TO ADMIT that my hair does look healthier now w/o the straggly ends I was holding on to. (I forgot to add that I want healthy, NON SEE THROUGH ENDS bra-strap length hair by New Years Eve!!!
I don't remember if I officially signed up originally, but I've been keeping up with the Summer Challenge Check-ins (thanks, Luvhair!) - long day...sometimes the memory is the first to go, lol.

Summer update: I wanted my hair thicker and I was pleasantly surprised after my last touchup.

My current challenge, which I can fold into the Bun Challenge, the Growing my sides and front longer challenge, and the 365-day challenge - phew!
- is to keep increasing the thickness (I love thick hair!) and continuing to gain length.
Yes, please count me in for the New Year's Eve Challenge.

I gained 3.5 to 4 inches this summer (4 months)
. I trimmed 3/4 of an inch to even out my ends.

I hope to get and retain a good three more inches before the New Year.

my hair has grown about 3 or 4 inches since april, i will probably be cutting about half an inch off this upcoming tuesday.. i'm pretty sure i've reached my goal of 20 inches (clavicle bone) so i'm happy.

im in for a new years challenge. i want to be at brastrap. i have about 4.5 inches to go!