Suggestions for daughters hair,stress patch


New Member
Hi ladies,
I'm in a need of some advise for my daughters hair. A little history, my daughter is 16 yrs old and has almost BSL hair, but this summer went through some teenage girl drama and last a patch of hair, I believe due to stress. It was there when she went to cheer camp, and about a week after she returned home it was gone. Its a patch in the middle portion of the back of her head thats now about 5-6 inches long, it just broke off. Any suggestions on what I can do to get this hair to grow back in this area? Please advise.
Hi ladies,
I'm in a need of some advise for my daughters hair. A little history, my daughter is 16 yrs old and has almost BSL hair, but this summer went through some teenage girl drama and last a patch of hair, I believe due to stress. It was there when she went to cheer camp, and about a week after she returned home it was gone. Its a patch in the middle portion of the back of her head thats now about 5-6 inches long, it just broke off. Any suggestions on what I can do to get this hair to grow back in this area? Please advise.

When I developed bald patches due to chemical atrocities I faithfully applied wild growth hair oil to the patches. I also wore my hair up in order to cover up the fact that I had bald patches and also to protect the damage areas from any type of stress whatsoever. During this time I used wgo religiously while holding off on chemical processing. Over time the hair in those spots grew back thicker and healthier than the rest of the hair. Now I really on mtg for hair growth and I am pretty sure that using any growth aid that agrees with her hair will definatly help the situation. I would also suggest that she start taking a hair vitamin that contains some vitamin B. I have read that vitamin B aids in stress and can help her avoid this problem in the future...not to mention avoiding the jealous b!tches that caused the stress in the first place
Hi ladies,
I'm in a need of some advise for my daughters hair. A little history, my daughter is 16 yrs old and has almost BSL hair, but this summer went through some teenage girl drama and last a patch of hair, I believe due to stress. It was there when she went to cheer camp, and about a week after she returned home it was gone. Its a patch in the middle portion of the back of her head thats now about 5-6 inches long, it just broke off. Any suggestions on what I can do to get this hair to grow back in this area? Please advise.

Does she regularly wear her hair in a ponytail, positioned in that area? I would give the breakage area special attention with regular deep conditioning and moisturizing until it grows back. I also suggest changing up the positioning of ponytails/buns.
When I developed bald patches due to chemical atrocities I faithfully applied wild growth hair oil to the patches. I also wore my hair up in order to cover up the fact that I had bald patches and also to protect the damage areas from any type of stress whatsoever. During this time I used wgo religiously while holding off on chemical processing. Over time the hair in those spots grew back thicker and healthier than the rest of the hair. Now I really on mtg for hair growth and I am pretty sure that using any growth aid that agrees with her hair will definatly help the situation. I would also suggest that she start taking a hair vitamin that contains some vitamin B. I have read that vitamin B aids in stress and can help her avoid this problem in the future...not to mention avoiding the jealous b!tches that caused the stress in the first place

I take a Vitamin B Stress complex - it's by Nature Made and I found it in the GNC section at Rite Aid