Stylist Told Me My Hair Will Never Grow to Shoulder Length


New Member
Yes.... You read that right.
I went in this morning for my usual wash and deep condition and another stylist looked at my hair and asked what was my goal of keeping my hair natural, was I trying to grow it or something. I replied yes, I would like for it grow at least shoulder length. She looked at me and laugh and proceeded to tell me she doubted if my hair would ever grow that long. I guess I looked stunned because she then asked if I ever had shoulder lenghth hair before and I said no. She said see, all that weekly deeply conditioning and protective styling ain't gonna do nothing if you ain't never had long hair before. Keep in mind this lady just works at the salon and notices that I come so frequently...

Now ask me if I'm motivated to prove her wrong...
That just shows that she is still ignorant to the fact that black women can grow long hair. I thought that my hair would never grow until I really sat down and thought about it. If your hair didn't grow, you would never need a touch up(if relaxed). You would never have newgrowth. I looked back on my floor one day when I was coming my hair and noticed all of the hair on the floor. That's when I realized this. The reason my hair stayed the same length is because as it was growing it was also falling out. That's when I discovered the hair boards and my head has never been better.
FloridaSunshine said:
Now ask me if I'm motivated to prove her wrong...

You GROW gurl!!! :yay: I can't wait to hear you report on her response after she sees it grown PAST where she said it couldn't get to!! :yep:
WOW! When I hear that I feel like going "Cathy Howse" on people!

longhairluva said:
That just shows that she is still ignorant to the fact that black women can grow long hair. I thought that my hair would never grow until I really sat down and thought about it. If your hair didn't grow, you would never need a touch up(if relaxed). You would never have newgrowth.

Exactly! It's ignorance....I can't wait until you go back to see her one day and ur hair is swinging past ur shoulders!
Sounds like a hater to me. I don't understand how so many stylist can call themselves professionals when they aren't fully educated on black hair care. It really amazes me. I have had some say really stupid things to me your hair won't grow if you don't trim it regularly..and you need a trim every 4-6weeks( even if i dont put heat on my hair)! WTH! Thank god for LHCF!:grin:
Just wait till you reach your goal...she'll be asking you questions about how you did it. And then you can tell her it was all the deep conditioning and protective styling she didn't believe in :lol:

Is your own stylist supportive of your goals? You don't want someone crazy working on your hair :perplexed
florida that was a awful thing for that lady to say to you..And I know how you must have felt, because one of my co-workers told me something similar recently. I said I would be sastified with bra strap length hair. and she replied to me that it would never ever happend. I thought that was a mean, nasty, hateful thing to say:mad: but at the same time it inspires me to achieve my goal;)Just dust that off and DO YOU. :grin:
FloridaSunshine said:
Yes.... You read that right.
I went in this morning for my usual wash and deep condition and another stylist looked at my hair and asked what was my goal of keeping my hair natural, was I trying to grow it or something. I replied yes, I would like for it grow at least shoulder length. She looked at me and laugh and proceeded to tell me she doubted if my hair would ever grow that long. I guess I looked stunned because she then asked if I ever had shoulder lenghth hair before and I said no. She said see, all that weekly deeply conditioning and protective styling ain't gonna do nothing if you ain't never had long hair before. Keep in mind this lady just works at the salon and notices that I come so frequently...

Now ask me if I'm motivated to prove her wrong...[/quote]

heck, now I'm motivated to prove her wrong...the nerve of some people
I know there are some stupid stylists out there. They say things that are just rediculous. You can grow your hair to shoulder length, and who is she to tell you that you can't?

I had a lady tell me my hair was so long and beautiful and then get smart when I told her I didn't want her to cut it. When she first started combing it out, she was saying that it was so long and so healthy, and that she doesn't have many girls come in with hair like this, yadda, yadd a. She then said, "would you like a little trim"? I told her no, I didn't want a trim. She said "are you sure"? Later on,she started talking about how damaged it was and it looked like I needed a full cut due to damage.
My hair IS NOT damaged and I know it.
melodee said:
I know there are some stupid stylists out there. They say things that are just rediculous. You can grow your hair to shoulder length, and who is she to tell you that you can't?

I had a lady tell me my hair was so long and beautiful and then get smart when I told her I didn't want her to cut it. When she first started combing it out, she was saying that it was so long and so healthy, and that she doesn't have many girls come in with hair like this, yadda, yadd a. She then said, "would you like a little trim"? I told her no, I didn't want a trim. She said "are you sure"? Later on,she started talking about how damaged it was and it looked like I needed a full cut due to damage.
My hair IS NOT damaged and I know it.

Sounds like she was jealous and just wanted you to be bald headed.
A "friend" of mine told me the same thing yesterday FloridaSunshine. I was so p*ssed. Something about how I dont have the long hair gene. I didn't even launch into my speech about how long hair has 2 parts; growing and retaining and that I'd never bothered with the retaining part before. Boy did she make me mad!!! Some friend huh?
dimpalz said:
A "friend" of mine told me the same thing yesterday FloridaSunshine. I was so p*ssed. Something about how I dont have the long hair gene. I didn't even launch into my speech about how long hair has 2 parts; growing and retaining and that I'd never bothered with the retaining part before. Boy did she make me mad!!! Some friend huh?

she just doesnt know soon as your hair begins to grow and to thrive before her eye, she WILL become a believer.

Right now all u can do is...just brush the hatas off with your pinky finger. hmm
awww, that was just plain old MEAN. I'm 100% positive that your hair can and will grow PAST shoulder length, if you keep following the advice of the wonderful ladies on this board!

Happy growing!!!
First, the person who said that is a complete idiot.

Second, I have GOT to know. How long was HER hair?

Third, since when is shoulder length hair considered "long hair?":lol:
I'm so sorry she said this to you, but I'm glad that you have turned it around into something positive.

This has happened to me before...both a stylist and my cousin said this to me. I'm not even trying to hear them anymore, because I'm seeing my hair change before my eyes.

I hardly wear my hair out not only to protective style it but also so that my cousin doesn't see my true length and then one day when I "magically" have longer hair I'm going to unveil it and let her see the hair that she didn't think could ever grow.

It's funny when I came back from getting my relaxer last month my father thought I got a weave. He would stop asking me, even when I told him no. I had to part my hair for him to see. :lachen: And my hair isn't even long yet.
MizAvalon said:
First, the person who said that is a complete idiot.

Second, I have GOT to know. How long was HER hair?

Third, since when is shoulder length hair considered "long hair?":lol:

Once again, you said what I wanted to say before I could! 'Cause when I read this I was smh. You'd think she said she wanted to grow her hair to her knees or something. To tell someone they can't grow their hair to shoulder if that is so unheard of, is just plain weird.

Florida, you can do it. Don't let someone like that do anything but motivate you.
MizAvalon said:
First, the person who said that is a complete idiot.

Second, I have GOT to know. How long was HER hair?

Third, since when is shoulder length hair considered "long hair?":lol:

Yes I want to know this too:cool:
I am glad that you laughed it off instead of getting upset about it.

It used to be easier for me to get offended by these stylist out here, but now learning from LHCF has made me more confident about my hair, as well.
I can’t stand that type of negativity—especially when stylists should know better. You show them, FloridaSunshine!!!! :woot:
I cannot believe the ignorant things people say. Trust me, people say that to discourage you. Don't let it happen! Your hair will grow, just be patient...and keep doing what you are doing. Make sure you post her reply when you make that ***** eat her words! :lol:
I have nappy hair, AND IT GROWS!!! In 2004 a stylist gave me a bad perm. I went from past shoulder length to not enough to grb between your thumb and forefinger:eek: Today my longest point in hoveriing near APL. We can do all things with the right products for OUR hair.
You grow gurl:grin:
I just love proving people wrong!!! I am looking forward to her reaction when she sees you at shoulder length!! ;)
Prove her wrong girl. Prove her wrong!!!!!!!! We have may examples of such ones here who have done just so.

She will be eating those workds soon. Such ingorance from a so called professional.
:eek: IGNORE THE IGNORANCE and keep on doing your thing.

I had a friend who was told this same thing -- by the stylist who kept perming her hair from root to end every time she went to get a touch up :mad: . After 15 years of ear-length hair, my friend decided that her hair just couldn't take perms and went natural.

It's about five years later and her hair is to her elbows. She has absolutely beautiful hair. And you will have beautiful long hair too -- just stay away from the negativity and the bad advice.
:eek: I had a heffer say that to me. My bestfriend has said it many a time.

So What!! Who cares!! This is my hair and my life. I got to have my goals.

Prove her so wrong.