Stylist have problems using lye relaxers?


New Member
I was just wondering if anyone has had a problem with their stylist not wanting to use lye relaxers? I just took my braids out and want to get my touch up in a week or so. When I first discovered these boards months ago, I wanted to try a lye relaxer and went to my stylist to get one. He looked at me like I was crazy and said "Girl, we don't use THAT here!"....ok no problem. So I went to my other stylist (yes, I have 2, they have different styles) and she looked at me like I was crazy and said "you won't use those if you want any hair on your head!" They both looked at me like I was crazy, not to mention that they didn't even have it in the shop. Has anyone else had this problem? I know many of you do your own touch-ups, but I definitely don't trust myself from past experience (always underprocessed and I'm always scared to death of overlapping) and was wondering what I can do? Is it ok to touch up no-lye relaxed hair with lye relaxer? My stylist has been using Just For Me (I recently found this out after taking some advice from these boards and asking my stylist what was in that mysterious white jar with no label...I just always trusted, so never asked)...For those who USE lye, what are the benefits you have experienced?
For me, my hair is less dry and brittle with the lye relaxer. I switched back in October from no-lye to lye relaxers and it was the best thing for my hair. All of the salons around my way all use lye relaxers. They have no problems with them at all.
The thing I like about lye relaxers is that my hair doesn't feel like it has "reverted" after only four weeks. It stays soft and moist. You can get a touchup with a lye relaxr if you have previously used a no-lye relaxer, but the no-lye hair will probably not feel as soft as the lye relaxed hair.
For me, no-lye wore my hair out. Meaning it got really dry and started shedding like hell. I have color in my hair and lye relaxers are the way to go for me. Although my hair felt baby soft for like 2 weeks after a no-lye, the damage it did to my hair makes me know that I will never go that route again.
My hair is less dry with a lye relaxer and it seems more alive (yes I know the deal about hair being dead - but this best describes my hair since using a lye relaxer). My hair stylist was so glad when I asked her to make the switch.
See, yet again I don't understand how stylists can dictate. I had one ask me if I tell my doctor what to do and that unless I do then I can't tell her what to do! Well I was young then, I'd love to run into her now. That woman cut off all my hair every time she relaxed it telling me it was the only way it would grow! I think we should be able to say what we want and this business of them hiding products they use so we can't see what it is has got to stop.
I really don't understand why your stylists refused to perform this service. most of the salon around my way briiklyn n.y use only lye but if you come in with your no lye they have no problem using that also. I just found that weird
I like the lye a whole lot better. My hair was so dry with the no-lye relaxers. It also thinned out drastically before my old stylist mentioned it to me. I'm in control now and my hair is a lot better.
THANKS everyone for their responses! You don't know how much your answers and support help! I have always known about no-lye relaxers and figured that since it is called "no-lye", lye must be bad for your hair. I would have never known if I didn't have all of you and this site...Thanks so much! I'm not going to get a touch up for another week, but when I do I'll let y'all know how it turned out for me! Thanks again!!
I wouldn't say my stylist has a problem with using lye relaxers but, she does point out that I am one of the few who requests it. When the other clients here me remind her to use Affirm lye when I go in for touch-ups, they either ask me why I use lye or look at me strangely.

With no-lye relaxers my hair would get really dry. With lye relaxers my hair seems so much more manageable and my stylist says my hair "breaks down faster" when she applies it.
Girl that is so funny that you mention this! The other day I was calling around to see if I could find a place cheaper then what i currently pay at my Dominican salon..and do you know the stylist tried to get me to explain why I would not use a NO-Lye relaxer as if me saying it dries my hair out and I have tried at least 2 kinds was not enough...needless to say I am sticking with my Dominican place that will put in whatever I buy! IT is funny because from what I read most posters here use LYE so I wonder why they keep making NO Lye Relaxers or better yet, why are LYE relaxers all of a sudden not seen by some stylist as good relaxer when they worked fine on our heads for years!
Bantu No-Lye made my hair dry, underprocessed, and broken at the ends. My hair got shorter and shorter the year I used this. Now, w/ Motions Lye, my hair has stayed the same length (at least an improvement) and since joining this board, it is slowly getting longer.
IMO the stylists that do ahve problems with this have problems with it because using a no lye (which does not "burn" the scalp to teh same degree as lyes can potentially) because they are FORCED to DO THEIR JOB and apply the realxer carefully, quickly and precisely.

Applying a realxer well, especially when it contains sodium hydroxide, is more difficult for stylists who are lazy, because lye realxers let your scalp KNOW ABOUT IT if they are probperly they can't take calls from their babys daddy while the perm is in your head, or b&*sh@$ and party with the stylist in the next chair comparing fake Fendi bags and whether or not they are going to the next "get right or go home" party. They have to base you thats' 5-10 EXTRA MINUTES! AND TIME IS MONEY!), make sure not to overlap, and you'll notice if they do because your scalp will begin to tingle if they take too long and then you'll be, like, LOOKING.....
When I asked my stylist if the perm was a lye or no-lye relaxer and what type of perm it was she begin to tell me that they all have lye in them and never did tell me the name of the perm or whether it was lye or no-lye .. needless to say I will not be letting her put a perm in my hair ever again. Since then my hair has started to come out a lot more and feels dry and brittle and it's only been 3 weeks since my perm.
Tracy said:
IMO the stylists that do ahve problems with this have problems with it because using a no lye (which does not "burn" the scalp to teh same degree as lyes can potentially) because they are FORCED to DO THEIR JOB and apply the realxer carefully, quickly and precisely.

Applying a realxer well, especially when it contains sodium hydroxide, is more difficult for stylists who are lazy, because lye realxers let your scalp KNOW ABOUT IT if they are probperly they can't take calls from their babys daddy while the perm is in your head, or b&*sh@$ and party with the stylist in the next chair comparing fake Fendi bags and whether or not they are going to the next "get right or go home" party. They have to base you thats' 5-10 EXTRA MINUTES! AND TIME IS MONEY!), make sure not to overlap, and you'll notice if they do because your scalp will begin to tingle if they take too long and then you'll be, like, LOOKING.....

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Fake Fendi bags, too funny