Style options for curly head???HELP!


I'm trying to figure out other styles to do on my hair. I'm challenged when it comes to braids or twists because i don't know what I'm doing. My hair has gotten longer and I should be able to do something other than an afro. Can any of u girls give me any styling tips that helped you? I have enough hair to twist, but when I try to, it always comes out fuzzy. Any tips will be appreciated. :)
Natrlchallenge said:
I'm trying to figure out other styles to do on my hair. I'm challenged when it comes to braids or twists because i don't know what I'm doing. My hair has gotten longer and I should be able to do something other than an afro. Can any of u girls give me any styling tips that helped you? I have enough hair to twist, but when I try to, it always comes out fuzzy. Any tips will be appreciated. :)
How long is your hair in inches? Are you saying that your TWISTS or your Twist OUTS are frizzy?
If I'm measuring correctly, I now have 7.5" of hair. I had my stylist trim off some scab hair and dead ends. I can almost flat twist my hair, but it always looks fuzzy because my hair is so curly, it doesn't look right. My braid and twist skills are truly pitiful! I'm hoping it gets better when my hair gets longer. :ohwell: I'm trying to see how people braid and twist their hair w/o extensions. I think I have the technique down. It just doesn't look good on me when I do it. :( Can u help me with any briad, twist tips?