Stupid Question


New Member
I know we probably have had a "stupid question" thread before but I had to say this....

I wear my hair in donut buns to work daily and occasionally wore a puff before it grew more and now gets lopsided(different thread). So anyway, I was standing around at work and this girl comes up to me and looks at my hair. Then she asks, "is that your natural hair?" Ok, I might be a little sensitive maybe but uh, I don't know any process that makes your hair look like 4a/b hair. Why would you ask me if this is my natural hair when you can plainly SEE my coils and naps? It's not like this was the first time she ever saw me. She's been around for at least a year. Do any of you get those really stupid redundant questions? I thought maybe she wanted to start a convo about natural hair but she just kept looking at my hair like she was looking for something. I don't get people sometimes.
lol yeah that was a real stupid question!

people can really be stupid, and there is no explanation, mabye it was just so you can now sit around and wonder what her point was in asking.......

people do that too
i never understood why people assume my hair is fake either. and it's never on great hair days like my avi... it's always on days when my hair isn't as defined, or if i've purposely picked it out into a big fro. i'm just looking at them like :perplexed "are you serious? this is some regular frizzy naps, wth made you ask that question?" :lachen: