Stupid Question: Why use Baggies?


Well-Known Member
I've heard mention the baggie method time and time again and for the life of me I can't figure out the purpose of doing this.

And, if you don't wear phony ponies, phony buns, etc how can you utilize this technique?

determined_to_grow said:
oh my goodness i wanted to know the same thing....

:lol: LOL! I've been on this forum since Nov 05 and have wondered since at least Dec 05! I hope someone can enlighten us. There are SOOOO many tips and I know you have to filter through them to find what works for you, but I just want to know why so many are on the baggie bandwagon.
FAMUDva said:
I've heard mention the baggie method time and time again and for the life of me I can't figure out the purpose of doing this.

And, if you don't wear phony ponies, phony buns, etc how can you utilize this technique?

The baggie method allows you to keep your ends saturated with moisture whilst protecting the ends. If you don't wear phony ponies you can put the little baggie on the ends, put a rubberband to fasten the baggie to your ends(to keep in place), and just tuck the baggied end into the rest of your hair. I don't do this though, I just wear protective styles:)
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Baggying with conditioners and oils protect your hair. It's just like when you put on a shower cap to deep condition your hair. If you apply conditioners to your ends, and add the baggy it's deep conditioning for your ends and your ends only!!! Trust me. It works. Your ends don't split, they stay nourished.

If you don't wear phony pony's and pieces etc., you can do it at home in the evening. Or you can cover it up with a pretty scarf to hide the baggy. It will deep condition by being covered up and then with your body heat or while it's covered you're deep conditioning all day, or all night and only you know. It really does work. Try it for a week or two and see what you think.

Coat your pony tail with some really luxurious conditioners that you like, or a little evoo or some other oil/conditioner, or make your on concoction and see how it works.
I use the baggie method every now and then and I have a Twa, but it helps my hair stay soft and protects it from the ceiling fan when I am sleep, Because I have some dry air in my home LOL!! I mean it works for some but not for everyone, Just give it a try and see how you like it, Plus it hepls me to not get oils on my pillow through my scarf.
If you have a nice updo or bun and do not want your hair to frizz from the baggy, apply a silk scarf first, then apply a baggy all over head, and then tie down with a second silk scarf for 1/2-1 hour. Then remove the top silk scarf and the baggie and leave the first silk scarf on UNTIL SCARF AND HAIR ARE DRY. Without having to take your hair down or restyling or brushing to smooth, you will have a fresh looking do, sleek and shiny. This is what I call my "silk styles." refresher and moisturizer. I first posted about this years ago on Black Hair Growout boards etc. Great for when you are traveling on business or a last minute social engagement. . bonjour
For the longest time, I wondered about the baggie method and just though it was unnecessary. after taking inventory of my ends, a couple of weeks ago I started using baggies to keep my ends hydrated and protect against splits. I wear twists so I can't have a baggie on all day and obviously I can't wear a pony.
At night before I tie my hair up, I put a little water, heavy creme and WGO only on my ends. I then baggie my ends and wrap my hair with the scarf. In the a.m. I take off the baggie and I have very moisturized ends. I then put my hair in a little knot/bun to cover my ends. I could feel and tell the difference after my first try. I know it's worth it. I am a little :mad: that I didn't do this sooner.
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natstar said:
For the longest time, I wondered about the baggie method and just though it was unnecessary. after taking inventory of my ends, a couple of weeks ago I started using baggies to keep my ends hydrated and protect against splits. I wear twists so I can't have a baggie on all day and obviously I can't wear a pony.
At night before I tie my hair up, I put a little water, heavy creme and WGO only on my ends. I then baggie my ends and wrap my hair with the scarf. In the a.m. I take off the baggie and I have very moisturized ends. I then put my hair in a little knot/bun to cover my ends. I could feel and tell the difference after my first try. I know it's worth it. I am a little :mad: that I didn't do this sooner.

Sounds just like me!

I like to think of baggying as doing a deep conditioning to your ends all day long. Your ends stay hydrated. If you don't wear phonies during the day you can baggy your ends at night and wear you hair styled during the day (I don't rec. wearing your hair down with the baggy).

The baggy is the truth IMO.
Thanks you ladies!

I haven't had split or bad ends in years, but I've been trying this for the past 3 or so nights. I've just been wetting my ends with H2O and oil mixture with a bit of NeXXus Humetrus (sp). I guess I feel a difference, but nothing that has blown me away. I will keep on doing it for now since it won't hurt to see what it will be like after a few weeks.

Thanks again!