Stretching Between Relaxers


New Member
Hello Ladies. I know everyone's hair is different, but how would you fill in this sentence: "Everyone should at least try to stretch____weeks after a relaxer." I'm asking this because my longest stretch has been 12 weeks. As thick as my hair is growing in now, thanks to you ladies, I know better than to try that now! My last stretch was ten weeks. I am now at 9 weeks and I am struggling. (I have a large patch of coiled hair covering my scalp.) So should I try to surpass a certain amount of time before considering a re-touch? Or should you simply relax when you see a major difference in the textures, like what I'm seeing now?
Some people can stretch for a really long period of time, but I am not one of them. That is the #1 thing that will make my hair break and I am not taking any risks. It's just not worth it for me. :)
Hmmm...good question!

I don't know if there really is a "right" or "wrong" way per se, or some "magical number" that everyone should aspire to reach. But in my opinion, the less you can have chemicals in your hair, most likely the better. :yep:

Of course, everyone's hair texture is different though. But if you're taking care of your new growth, and making sure not to OVERmanipulate your hair/new growth, then I would take a stab in the dark and say that I feel that most people should probably try to wait at least 8 weeks before relaxing again.

I say 8 weeks because at that point you at least (if your hair grows a 1/2 inch a month) have about an inch of new growth accumulated. Plus, you've waited already 2 months. If your stylist is really focused and is a stickler for not overlapping, then I think relaxing every 8 weeks probably wouldn't be TOO bad I suppose.

Again, the longer you can give your scalp (and hair!) a break from chemicals, the better. So, I say bottom line: do whatever works best for your hair.
Crystalicequeen123 said:
Hmmm...good question!

I don't know if there really is a "right" or "wrong" way per se, or some "magical number" that everyone should aspire to reach. But in my opinion, the less you can have chemicals in your hair, most likely the better. :yep:

Of course, everyone's hair texture is different though. But if you're taking care of your new growth, and making sure not to OVERmanipulate your hair/new growth, then I would take a stab in the dark and say that I feel that most people should probably try to wait at least 8 weeks before relaxing again.

I say 8 weeks because at that point you at least (if your hair grows a 1/2 inch a month) have about an inch of new growth accumulated. Plus, you've waited already 2 months. If your stylist is really focused and is a stickler for not overlapping, then I think relaxing every 8 weeks probably wouldn't be TOO bad I suppose.

Again, the longer you can give your scalp (and hair!) a break from chemicals, the better. So, I say bottom line: do whatever works best for your hair.

I agree, I stretch 8 weeks with no problem, but you have to do what's best for your hair.:)