Stretching and EVENTS

Do the stretchers relax when events pop up or do you continue your stretch??

  • Do you say WTH and RELAX sooner due to the event

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    Votes: 25 69.4%

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Active Member
Just wondering what the stretchers do with their hair when its time for an event, wedding, bdays, office parties, etc

I am new to the board and since being here have not relaxed, I am now 9 weeks post planning on stretching as long as possible. Goal right now is another 6 to 9 weeks. I have an upcoming wedding in 3 weeks and dont want to be a HAM. So I wanted to know do you stretchers style the best way possible, or give in and relax due to events?

Any advice or stories are sooo appreciated!:perplexed:perplexed
If you're stretching, you can't guarantee that you'll be able to scrape together a last minute style. :nono:

So if you know you're going to an event and you want a specific look then you have to start preparing AHEAD of time. If you're straightening - make sure you DC, detangle well, dry streeeeetched (like in braids or a bun if you airdry) and have your products/techniques ready.

I mentioned straight b/c that's what most people seem to go for as an "event" style, and for me that takes the most prep.
What I usually do is sprial set my hair. As you can see in my thrid picture in my siggy I was at 24 weeks post and that style lasted until my relaxer of 26 weeks. However, for me IMHO 9 weeks is too early JMHO.
Good question! I stretch 13/14 weeks so I do run into this situation from time to time. Sometimes I have to get creative, because I don't like "giving in" and texlaxing early, and I don't use direct heat, so I usually resort to a curly/textured style like twistouts or spiral sets; these blend my new growth well.
Thanks for the quick responses, I know for some 9 weeks seems like nothing! i actually have about an inch of NG and im like a 4bcde:ohwell:: Ive never stretched more than 5 or 6 weeks:blush: so thats why its like amazing for me.. all thanks to the lovely ladies of LHCF:grin:

Bumping for more hair styles..
I had to attend a wedding a few weeks ago, I was 17 weeks into my stretch. I called the shop, got a rollerset she pressed my roots and I was good. If I have antoher event, I'll do the same again.

ETA: I said "relaxer" the first time, Freudien slip...fixed to make it "rollerset"
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I had to attend a wedding a few weeks ago, I was 17 weeks into my stretch. I called the shop, got a relaxer she pressed my roots and I was good. If I have antoher event, I'll do the same again.

So you got a relaxer?? and you got your roots pressed?? maybe im reading this wrong:perplexed:perplexed
So you got a relaxer?? and you got your roots pressed?? maybe im reading this wrong:perplexed:perplexed

LOL...I hoped I'd edited it before you saw it....I got a rollerset and she pressed the roots....

I have creamy crack on the brain at almost 20 weeks post, please excuse the freudien slip......
Tiffers! I was looking for you to answer, I didnt want to shout you out, but I was silently at my desk, of course not working like "TIFFERS come in and help me out:blush::blush:"
:lol: You're too sweet! :blush3:
Rollersetting is so great, I love it! I've noticed that my hair stays much more moisturized, touchable and soft when I rollerset versus flat ironing. Then when I blowout or flat iron the roots, you can't tell me NOTHIN! :lachen:
Depending on the event, I either get my hair pressed (and still wear it in a bun/swooped bang) or wet bun and accessorize with flowers, ribbons, etc.
I'm stretching with no heat. I had a wedding to attend at 13 weeks post. I did a wet bun with a phony pony and added accesories in my hair.
I'm goin to the beach over the memorial day weekend and I'll be 9 weeks post. I was thinking about just giving in and getting a relaxer but I really don't want to because I want to try and stretch to 12 weeks for the first time. Anyone have any tips for me. I thought about getting french braids with the weave, but the only person i could think of to do them will probably rip out all of my edges. Do you guys think a braid out will work on my NL hair? I don't know what I should do
Thanks for creating this thread, I was thinking the exact same thing. I think I am relaxing in about a week for prom
What I usually do is sprial set my hair. As you can see in my thrid picture in my siggy I was at 24 weeks post and that style lasted until my relaxer of 26 weeks. However, for me IMHO 9 weeks is too early JMHO.

Spiral sets, ok :scratchch great idea! I can use tiny rollers and the style should last a while :yep:
twistouts twistouts twistouts! the longer u go into a stretch, the fuller and bigger your twistout is. :yep: i love it!

but then again I'm a big hair fanatic
Depends on how far i am into my stretch, if its an event within the first 12 weeks then i find some way to style it and just make it work, if its after 12 weeks then maybe i'll go and relax for the event.
If I set the relaxer date goal in advance, it's easier for me to stick with it. Then, the only changes I'd make are to possibly extend a stretch once I've reached the goal.

This current stretch if I had an event, I'd just work hard to smoothen out the new growth with products and the scarf, and do a nice bun. Next time, I plan to learn to do braidouts.
My handy dandy wigs come in to the rescue....I had an event to attend and I was about 11wks post, so I decided to put on my half wig, flat iron my leave out 1inch and curled it in pretty layers. Most people thought I had a sew in.