Strange Question....Or Maybe Not That Strange....


Well-Known Member
Howdy, ( Don't hate that is how we talk in Texas...) :lol:

I have a strange question to ask. I have henna'd my hair twice in the past 2 months. I use Shescentit products and Hairveda oil. I never use heat to dry my hair and usually wear it in a bun or down from a roller set. I relax my hair about 2 times a year, 3 at the most.

Now, my hair has gotten very strong and is at APL. I just checked while sitting here at my desk.........:lol:

The PROBLEM is that a I have a little hairless spot by my temple, but further back. I am completely stumped on what is going on!! The spot does not itch, there is no irritation, nothing. I was wondering if the henna would have done this??? Maybe I am allergic??? I have no other spots but just this one. I would say the spot is a little smaller than a dime. I use a seamless wide tooth comb, rarely brush my hair. When I comb my hair, I have very little shedding. I am at a loss.......

Suggestions? Thoughts? Comments? :perplexed
Did the spot just appear out of no where? If so it could be a sign of alopecia areata. If this is the case the hair in that area will more than likely grow back. Just baby that spot and pay close attention to it. If it gets any larger I would consult a dermatologist.
Did the spot just appear out of no where? If so it could be a sign of alopecia areata. If this is the case the hair in that area will more than likely grow back. Just baby that spot and pay close attention to it. If it gets any larger I would consult a dermatologist.

Yeah, it just came out of nowhere. I was parting my hair and noticed how "thin" that area was. I was thinking about getting some rosemary oil, peppermint oil and jojoba oil and start massaging that area.

We'll see.
Are you taking any medications? Maybe it's an internal problem (?)
Are you taking any medications? Maybe it's an internal problem (?)

No, I am not on any meds. I did have a bout with bronchitis and was on anti-biotics but that was over 2 months ago.

I did get on a vitamin kick and was taking about 10 different pills a day. I stopped taking those over 2 weeks ago.