Straight Hair Vs. Curly Hair


Well-Known Member
I straightened my hair on Monday and I loved it. But then I went through pics of my hair early last week. I always used to only like straight hair but now I'm on the fence. What do you guys like wearing your hair as more?

First 3 pics are curly hair
Last pic is my hair today
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We need more pics of your straight hair when its out :) I dont know about the straight hair but your curly hair is very pretty.
i like both for different reasons. i go by whats more convenient or gives off the vibe i want to present.

also straight hair doesn't have to be boring:look:
I like wearing my hair boring when it's straight right now because it keeps me out of my hair, but I like doing a lot of styles on it. French braid, faux bob, bow bun. But I meant boring as in curly hair looks interesting because of the curly patterns, and that MY hair straight is usually styled boring by choice. But when I do want a change I do updos with clamps, different types of buns, etc
You are super cute and your hair is very pretty. But your expressions and body language are priceless in that last picture. It's like all the curly hair pictures have all these great moods and attitudes - sexy, excited, showing off...then the straight hair picture is like "What!"

Wear your hair in the way that feels most fun to you. Because no matter how it looks to us, how you feel is going to have the biggest influence on your appearance.
You are super cute and your hair is very pretty. But your expressions and body language are priceless in that last picture. It's like all the curly hair pictures have all these great moods and attitudes - sexy, excited, showing off...then the straight hair picture is like "What!"

Wear your hair in the way that feels most fun to you. Because no matter how it looks to us, how you feel is going to have the biggest influence on your appearance.

Lol thanks!
What's your favorite hair style on yourself??
I like both for their own reasons. And as soon as I do one I usually start craving the other, I have commitment issues with my hair period so I'm used to it. So I try and straighten my hair once every 8 weeks to get my fix.
When I wear my afro I feel powerful, vulnerable, naked, and sexy. Love the Afro! With straight hair I feel like I disappear, this may change if I ever achieve long sexy hair.
I prefer my hair in its kinky/curly state. It's simple to manage and the look suits me better IMO. I don't straighten my hair more out of laziness than my dislike for straight hair. I enjoyed my hair the last time I straightened it. I found myself overwhelmed by it though because it was in my face and blowing everywhere.
Story of my life

LOL, how long have you been natural? Well I guess the better question would be how long have you been wearing your curls? I've only been wearing mine for under a year, so I think that sometimes I'm just antsy because it's still pretty new to me and I'm just now learning my hair and all that stuff. So when I end up with crazy results from my T&C or Bantu knot out I get discouraged.
I prefer wearing my hair curly most days. But I'm in the mood to straighten my hair. I haven't worn it straight for over a year and a half.
I feel free, more confident, sexy and alive with curly, braidout hair.

Straight hair makes me feel more polished and sraightlaced attractive.
Once upon a time I would not leave my house with curly hair. But in the last 4 years I pretty much only wear my hair straight for a trim or for a length check lol