Stopped using braids and weaves as protective styles


...And my hair is still growing at the same rate as when I wore braids and weaves!!
Braids and weaves were making me bald!! Yes, I mean bald!! I was loosing too much hair. I lost an equivalent to 2 rows of cornrows in the front!! I swore not to do anything to my hair till further notice.

To my amazement, my hair is still growing at the same rate or even faster!!
I just wear wigs when I'm going out otherwise I just wear satin caps at home and my hair has began its thickening journey!!
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HHG! Leaving weaves alone was a hard pill for me to swallow but my hair is thanking me for it. Keep us posted on your growth. BTW, congrats on your new baby. You look great!
That's what's up! It took me a long time to break away from weaves and braids. I just got braids for the first time in over a year. It's only been two weks and I'm ready to take them out. I just have to learn to style this natural hair...
I can't wear sewn-in weaves. They cause bald spots. The last time I got one the lady didn't do my cornrows too tight either. They just don't work well for me.
Why do weaves work great for some people as protective styles and for others it causes too much breakage? What do you think is the difference?(If the weave is moisturized and not left in too long)

Just curious.
screambabygirl said:
Why do weaves work great for some people as protective styles and for others it causes too much breakage? What do you think is the difference?(If the weave is moisturized and not left in too long)

Just curious.

I just think everyone's hair is different. If you have thin, fragile hair such as mines, weaves are especially damaging. Sometimes you gain the length but your hair thins out significantly. I think people with thick hair seem to fair better especially if is taken care of properly. What also plays a big factor is how it is sewn in. Every stylist has a different degree of skill.
I had an issue with this... ive never been a full head weave person,, i have very thick hair bur ive liked to add extensions for length, it all started when i was 17 and after my first relaxers my natural waist length curly hair was brushing my shoulders with split ends EVERYWHERE:cry3: :cry3: and my hairdresser did a huge trim up to my ears,, it truamatized me and i started with weaves,, ive been addicted since,, now the first lady to do my weaves didn t damage my hair much braid wise becuz she made them big and not so tight but in 2004 i began to see a new stylist and this woman did those braids TOO tight and i have to say i became suspicious of her esp sincce her hair was a mess , so ive moved on,, and i keep the tracks even farther to the back of my head now so theres no pulling in delicate area,, i think its wise if u can to just put the tracks under ur hair and leave ot ALOT of ur own hair esp in front or u can have hair loss,, my mom has some serious baldness in her corners:eek:
screambabygirl said:
Why do weaves work great for some people as protective styles and for others it causes too much breakage? What do you think is the difference?(If the weave is moisturized and not left in too long)

Just curious.

I honestly think it comes down to who puts it in and how the hair is maintained while the weave is in. I think what happens a lot of times is that the person doing the weave puts it in too tight. Another factor is getting them too soon after relaxers. Your hair is at its weakest point when it is first relaxed and then to add the weight of weaves and the stress of tight cornrows...breakage is inevitable (I know this from experience). I also believe another factor is the combing of the weave hair. I've seen a lot of people (including myself when I didn't know any better) yank through the weave hair to detangle it forgeting that you are also yanking on your hair underneath. I think you neen to use one hand to hold down the top of the weft to the corn row before you comb/brush the weave hair.

I've been doing a lot of research on this, since I'm putting myself on the weave challenge and currently have braid extensions in my hair. I'll be doing my own weaves (I already do my own braids, or have my sister do them for me). Check out what Reniece has been able to accomplish with her hair by weaving it up herself,

I'm glad though that you were able to find a way for your hair to grow sans weaves/braids. Wigs are another good option you just have to be careful to watch your hairline with them.
joyous said:
I just think everyone's hair is different. If you have thin, fragile hair such as mines, weaves are especially damaging. Sometimes you gain the length but your hair thins out significantly. I think people with thick hair seem to fair better especially if is taken care of properly. What also plays a big factor is how it is sewn in. Every stylist has a different degree of skill.


I am in the sew-in weave challenge. First time wearing a weave. Since my hair is thick and I have found the right stylist things have been much better for my hair. I would love to get where I don't need weaves/braids as a protective style.

Good Job Brandy!!
t depends on alot, not only the person hair texture e.g thin and fragile vs. thickness. I think it depends on your braider and how well you take care of your hair while in them. My aunt does my braids and she does a pretty good job for a non-professional. She makes sure that it is about pencil size and I can't even stress how much you need to moisturize those jokers. Plus leaving them in too long is never good. Always give your hair at least a 2 week period of rest. I do a month. But my aunt did extension braids for her elderst daughter who is 20. She did this off and on for about two years, because her hair was so damaged from perms. Well now she still wears her braids her but without extensions and her once damage hair that wasn't even shoulder length is brastrap an THICK.
RabiaElaine said:
I honestly think it comes down to who puts it in and how the hair is maintained while the weave is in. I think what happens a lot of times is that the person doing the weave puts it in too tight. Another factor is getting them too soon after relaxers. Your hair is at its weakest point when it is first relaxed and then to add the weight of weaves and the stress of tight cornrows...breakage is inevitable (I know this from experience). I also believe another factor is the combing of the weave hair. I've seen a lot of people (including myself when I didn't know any better) yank through the weave hair to detangle it forgeting that you are also yanking on your hair underneath. I think you neen to use one hand to hold down the top of the weft to the corn row before you comb/brush the weave hair.

I've been doing a lot of research on this, since I'm putting myself on the weave challenge and currently have braid extensions in my hair. I'll be doing my own weaves (I already do my own braids, or have my sister do them for me). Check out what Reniece has been able to accomplish with her hair by weaving it up herself,

I'm glad though that you were able to find a way for your hair to grow sans weaves/braids. Wigs are another good option you just have to be careful to watch your hairline with them.


The first time I had a weave when I took it out I was so amazed at how damaged and short my hair was. I couldn't understand where did it My hair had broken off incredibly. I started going to this stylist who was awesome. I told her how my hair breaks off with weave and what she did was put a thin piece of synethic hair in between the thread so that when she threaded my hair it wouldn't break off from the string.

If you are weaving you have to make sure that you are not tying the thread too tight. This cause unbelievable breakage.
blkbeauty said:

The first time I had a weave when I took it out I was so amazed at how damaged and short my hair was. I couldn't understand where did it My hair had broken off incredibly. I started going to this stylist who was awesome. I told her how my hair breaks off with weave and what she did was put a thin piece of synethic hair in between the thread so that when she threaded my hair it wouldn't break off from the string.

If you are weaving you have to make sure that you are not tying the thread too tight. This cause unbelievable breakage.

I also read on this board that you should use Nylon coated thread that is used for upholstery instead of the BSS thread.
joyous said:
I just think everyone's hair is different. If you have thin, fragile hair such as mines, weaves are especially damaging. Sometimes you gain the length but your hair thins out significantly. I think people with thick hair seem to fair better especially if is taken care of properly. What also plays a big factor is how it is sewn in. Every stylist has a different degree of skill.

I agree with joyous. What works for one person's hair may not work for another. Whether it be styling techniques, products or the hairstyles themselves. It just may be the person's hair texture and thickness, and the condition of their hair. If your hair is damaged and hasn't been trimmed and treated, it could dry out and suffer damage under braids or a weave. Personally, I can't do braids. My hair is fine/thin from the relaxer and they yank my hair out. When I was younger I wore braid extensions all the time with no problems. I haven't had any problems with weaves. No breakage, tangling, hair lost, nothing. When I was in 12th grade I wore weaves off and on when I had special occasions like homecoming, senior portraits, etc, and my hair grew faster while I had the weave in and I didn't even take care of my hair. I didn't even wash it. :perplexed I didn't lose any hair or anything. My hair was very healthy at the time and I'm glad it held up through my nonsense. :lol: Of course now I know better and wash my weave pretty often.
Shine-On said:
HHG! Leaving weaves alone was a hard pill for me to swallow but my hair is thanking me for it. Keep us posted on your growth. BTW, congrats on your new baby. You look great!

Thank you!
I'm glad though that you were able to find a way for your hair to grow sans weaves/braids. Wigs are another good option you just have to be careful to watch your hairline with them.

Thanks, I'l be careful.
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XXXtacy said:

I am in the sew-in weave challenge. First time wearing a weave. Since my hair is thick and I have found the right stylist things have been much better for my hair. I would love to get where I don't need weaves/braids as a protective style.

Good Job Brandy!!

Thank you.
I have to agree with Rabia Elaine it all boils down to who puts it in and how it is maintained. I personally do my own braids or when I am lazy have my sister do them. I don't trust anyone else doing my braids. I haven't experienced any breakage or thinning issues when I do my braids now when I let other people do them in the past...that's another story! I'll just sum it up and say breakage city:perplexed