Stop trimming


New Member
I have found that my hair grows at a very good rate. However, I trim it myself and loose the length that I have acheived. I see a lot of you ladies do something called dusting. How do you do that without wanting to give your hair a really good trim? I was also wondering do you notice a BIG difference in the length you retain from dusting compared to trimming?
I mostly have my hair in protective styles, I do trim individual hairs when I notice a split end. My hair is growing well and it hardly ever sees a pair of scissors. I plan to get a professional trim at the end of November. I think I will plan on getting them twice a year.
BTW, nice to see you around again.
Nice to see you too!!!! I think I will go for twice a year as well. Or maybe once a year if I could only keep my ends looking good without regular trims.

I also should add that I hate my hair right after I trim it but I like it about a month later because it grows back so healthy. Any of you ladies can vouch for that too?
Hey kking, good to see you!

I dust my ends and I don't feel tempted to trim it. Truth be told, I'm always trying to avoid using the scissors on my hair at all.
I think it's true that a good trim does make your hair look nice, and when it starts to grow out again, it looks nice and even and fuller, no doubt about that.
Welcome back!
I just wanted to tell you that my aunt loves your wrapping photos. They have helped her and my cousins a lot!
Hi kking7777

Glad to see you! I know exaclty what you are talking about! sometime I am seating there with the sissors ready to snip the ends, and I wait and wait thinking about how long I waited to have that inch, that I cut in the past, back(2 months, that's a long time!) Then reason take over the temptation of cutting. So for now I won't trim for a while, I dust now, and it doesn't any of my lengh away. When you dust you just cut EACH split or damaged end, that's all. Your hair lenght stays.
I did my touchup yesterday and trimmed my hair right after. I always trim 1/4 to 1/2 of an inch after each touchup. Although the ends may not be split or damamged, I do this to maintain the eveness and fullness as it grows out. I don't feel bad about doing it either. It's part of the maintenance and in the end, it should continue to grow out healthy and full. I feel that even though you may not have split ends or damage, it's good to trim every now and then to maintain the fullness and eveness (is eveness a real word??)
I want to see what happens since I'm not trimming at all. I see others on this board with long beautiful hair who don't trim.
Since joining the board, I have not trimmed. My hairdresser used to trim after every touch-up, but over the last three months, since I have stopped using heat as often (virtually never over the last 2 months or so), and am taking better care of my hair (obsessive, really) she has not seen the need! I am however, not averse to having my ends trimmed, perhaps twice a year vs the 10 times a year I have had done previously...once every 5 weeks.
I am only trimming my ends occasionally or when needed I only get a professional trim about twice a year.
kking7777 said:

Isis, who are the non trimmers on the board?

[/ QUOTE ]

I got a trim at my last touch-up (4 wks ago) but I hadn't had one before that in about three or four months. I'm planning on only trimming 3-4xs a year. I had dusted my ends myself, though in those 3-4 mths, but not getting a trim at every touch-up has definitely helped me keep a good amount of hair on my head.

PS Glad to see you back!
I have stopped w/the major trims also-don't really see the need to. Other than cutting the "V" out I don't touch the other sections. I do have to admit that I do miss that nice even line. I am hoping that by Jan, which is when I had my last trim, that my sides will be more even with the back. My hair also grows very slowly, so I can't afford to get regular trims. Reg trimming would just maintain my length.
I was dusting my ends during the summer on a need basis. I am now getting trims about every other relaxer which is about 4-5 months for me and I dust if needed in between!