Still CAN NOT get over how stylists overbook!

It's ridiculus. I made an appt for 2pm for my sister. I spoke to the lady 3 times and all three times i told her 2pm, and she even triple checked with me about the time. I'm dating her son and he told her 2pm twice. So it's 2:30 and I get a txt from my sis asking if I made the appt for 2pm because the lady is doing a SEW-IN on someone else's hair.:nono: idk ladies, idk. . .
That's probably my biggest pet peeve with stylists. It's soooo unprofessional. They also kill me when they saunter in 2 hours late. That's why I'm enjoying life as a DIYer.
That's probably my biggest pet peeve with stylists. It's soooo unprofessional. They also kill me when they saunter in 2 hours late. That's why I'm enjoying life as a DIYer.

MEEEEEE 2 LADY!! MEEEE 2!! I haven't been to a salon since I was 13. I went for a year.....then it was back to mom, and now, for the last 4 months, doing it my own darn self.

I don't want a stylist near my head of hair!

they would probably screw it all up!

I think that was one of the reasons why growing up, I had some of the longest hair in my class! Because I kept the beauticians out of my hair. Lots of them only care about style, not length, and health of hair!
i hear ya'll. shortly after i made the post, she started on my sis's hair. its pretty common knowledge that stylists always do that, but those stylists dont confirm the appt time 7x. i thought she was actually gonna be on time. . . guess not :ohwell:
I once sat for 2 hours waiting for dude to curl me while he did a full sew in...I was HOT. He'll never see me again...and wasn't all that anyway.

And that's what gets's not like they do the BOMB hair anyway! Half the time those overbooked, late stylists are mediocre at BEST.
One weekend I was feeling lazy and didn't feel like going to my usual stylist(who does NOT overbook) cuz she is all the way out in Maryland, so I hit up one of the salons on the avenue. My appointment was at 1:30pm, I got there on time and at 4:00pm I was still sitting there. So I told the lady that I was going to get something to eat and would be right back. I walked out and never came back.
I was late to my senior prom because the lady who was supposed to do my hair at 12 NOON, didn't show up until 2 and didnt start on my hair until 3:30! Then, once she did start my hair, she toggled back and forth between me and two other girls.... I think that was my last time going to an actual salon!
Good lord.

This is why I DON'T go to these awful people....
they can never convince me that they are doing right by me....:nono:

I was supposed to get my hair braided y'all ( I know) - I talked to the girl - who was scheduled to Come to me!!! hello!!!

She said 9am on Monday - and I told her - this was THE ONLY DAY I could DO IT........ I get a call at 8:35 saying she is so sorry she double booked - and it is the other lady's anniversary..........

HERE WE GO............ So I told her - "go ahead - take the other lady" She was trying to braid my hair all night - OH NO............

So - here I am screwed for Graduation. These folks are awful - I tell you
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I once had an appointment for 9 and didnt get started until 2 or 3 o clock. I was so hungry and sick and tired. I never went back:wallbash:
And that's what gets's not like they do the BOMB hair anyway! Half the time those overbooked, late stylists are mediocre at BEST.

that's probably why they double-book... cuz they have to do more heads in order to make money. i've only seen my stylist twice, and both times i was the only head of hair she was working on. :yep: she wasn't overpriced either, and i appreciated the time she took with my hair, how courteous/attentive/friendly she was, so i left her a huge tip. good service equals good tips, bad overbooking and mediocre service equals little to no tips. :yep:

my auntie is the only stylist i'll allow to play the "double-booked" game on me, because she used to do my hair for free and squeeze me in while she was doing another client's hair. now mind you it was FREE and this is my auntie who always did a good job on my hair... so yes, i was willing to sit around the salon waiting with half a head full of rollers while she styled someone else's hair. :lachen:
do yall think its because of walkins? like at the doctor's office it can throw the schedule off totally
I made an appoinment on a Monday morning for a Saturday at 10 am. I get there and she's not there. When she comes in she starts relaxing her own hair. I waited until 4pm and then I left because I couldn't take it anymore. When I went to get my hair done there the first time it was as a walk in. I came in at 2 and she had me out at 7. I left went shopping and came back and she was like let me get you. Maybe it would be best to just show up. I can't wait like that to get my hair done. That's why I've only got it done 1x in the past 6 years.
do yall think its because of walkins? like at the doctor's office it can throw the schedule off totally

but shouldn't people who make appointments be given first priority? if not, why even bother making appointments? might as well be on a first-come-first-served basis... :nono:

but no, i know for a fact that some stylist actually book 2 people for one slot. just like my campus will oversell their parking spaces. in theory not everyone they sell tickets to need to park at the same time so they figure it's okay to only have 500 parking spaces but sell 800 parking passes. :rolleyes: (just an example, i'm sure we have less parking than that and sell more passes than that :lol: )
After reading the rest of the posts, I guess I shouldn't be too ticked about waiting an hour for my stylist last week. My appt was at 8:30 on Saturday, which meant getting up waaayyy earlier than I normally do on a weekend, and she started on my hair at 9:45. But while I may not have waited as long to get started, there are still the lengthy in-between waits after shampoos and dryer periods where I'm merely waiting for her to finish a head (or two). Many times I've gotten home at 1:00 or 2:00 from a 9:00 AM appointment.

And she wondered why I was thinking about self-relaxing. (That's a whole 'nother thread, ya'll.) I didn't have the heart to tell her the real reason because she's so nice and does good work.