Split Ends and Breakage (YIKES)!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies, Everything was going just fine, the growth, regimen, products working well and my challenges have been going fine, up until last night. While I was moisturizing the ends of my braids, there was little pieces of hair on my fingerstips about 1/4 inch, some 1/2 in. Of cousrse I examined the breakage to see splits on the little breakage. At first I was going to drown the ends in S-curl and I slapped vaseline on it, but this morning I decided to take out the braids (only 4days old) and do some mending to my ends. I'm thinking going for a hardcore protein treatment= Nexxus Emergencee or Aphoghee. Following up w/Nexxus Therapee poo and a moisturizing DC 15 min. under the dryer w/Nexxus Humectress.And/ Or I could just trim off 1/2 of an inch to stop the breakage immediately after the treatment.
My question is what do you ladies think I should do, and have any of you ever used a product to mend the split ends w/o having to trim/cut w/o seeing further breakage? If so what products do you recommend that I can get to A.S.A.P. like before the BSS closes today. TIA
Now I know there are some ladies here that have reached and went beyond their goals have at some pont handle this slit end situation???? Anyone have a suggestion at one???
I had this problem when I first started my hair care challenge years ago, it was then that I did research and realized that the reason MY ends were breaking was a moisture issue. So I was always sure to wash and deep condition twice a week. From then on, I rarely get splits and Ive only trimmed once since 2003. So of course my suggestion would be to moisturize like crazy, especially if you plan to do a hardcore protein treatment.
Maybe moisture is the problem, because I'm the moisture Queen, I may not be incorporating enough strengthening treatments, only because I don't like sitting under the dryer w/the Aphoghee, so I opted for the light protein treatments on a regular but I guess it's just not enough. I'll try the Nexxus Emergencee and will see over the next week how that helps plus, I think I'll go out and get some Ego Boost, and add that to my regimen. If that doesn't help then I will definately trim. Off to tackle my breakage.
Babygurl said:
I had this problem when I first started my hair care challenge years ago, it was then that I did research and realized that the reason MY ends were breaking was a moisture issue. So I was always sure to wash and deep condition twice a week. From then on, I rarely get splits and Ive only trimmed once since 2003. So of course my suggestion would be to moisturize like crazy, especially if you plan to do a hardcore protein treatment.
Hey BeautifulWideEyes, how did this work for you? I'm having a similar problem and I'm not sure what to do. I'd like to use Apoghee more than once every 4 weeks but I'm scared.... :ohwell:
When I first started doing my own hair, I had this problem too. I thought that throwing a killer amont of protein would help but it only got worse. Then I started moisturizing my hair everyday with stuff like S-Curl, regular ol conditioner, grease and leaving it alone. Probably leaving it alone helped the most. When I did finally go to a stylist months later to get a trim, my hair started looking great!

Good luck to you :weird:
When I first started doing my own hair, I had this problem too. I thought that throwing a killer amont of protein would help but it only got worse. Then I started moisturizing my hair everyday with stuff like S-Curl, regular ol conditioner, grease and leaving it alone. Probably leaving it alone helped the most. When I did finally go to a stylist months later to get a trim, my hair started looking great!

Good luck to you :weird:
Well it worked wonderful, I haven't had any breakage, :yay: , since I did the Nexxus Emergencee treatment, I took Melodee's advice and sat under the dryer for 15 min w/o a cap and let it dry hard then I rinsed, I did shampoo w/Therapee first, and after the treatment I followed w/Humectress as my DC. I believe my hair was over moisturized and need a stronger protein treatment, instead of the Keraphix I was trying to use to prevent from doing the strong treatment, but I guess you can't get around it. I say do something immediately don't wait until it's to late, I start my treatment the very next day after seeing the breakage. At least do the treatment now and over the weeks you'll see if you need do one sooner than the 6wks, if you don't need it at the following 4wks than at least wait until the 6wk and continue this to keep up w/the balance and always do a moisturizing DC to balance it out. Nexxus Emergencee say to use it every 2wks.
Candycane044 said:
Hey BeautifulWideEyes, how did this work for you? I'm having a similar problem and I'm not sure what to do. I'd like to use Apoghee more than once every 4 weeks but I'm scared.... :ohwell:
Well I've been doing my hair forever, I can do it all, I can cut my hair in the dark while blind folded, LOL, I have just been over moisturizing my hair especially my ends and that's where the breakage was. I just did a duster the last time I relaxed, so I know I don't need a trim or anything. I believe my ends where just unbalanced too much moisture and not enough protein. I have done the treatment and the breakage came to a hault. I will continue to do a heavy protein at least once a month, now Emergencee says you can use it every 2wks to prevent from breakage, but I'll see in a few days if it's needed if not I'll wait and do it every 4wks, to maintain the proper balance. I know leaving it alone was all I've been doing keeping it braided up into a bun, I know yesterday I was tired of that and let my hair down and it felt and looked good, :grin: . Maybe I was leaving it alone too much and it got mad at me and decided to act up :lol: , who knows.
anky said:
When I first started doing my own hair, I had this problem too. I thought that throwing a killer amont of protein would help but it only got worse. Then I started moisturizing my hair everyday with stuff like S-Curl, regular ol conditioner, grease and leaving it alone. Probably leaving it alone helped the most. When I did finally go to a stylist months later to get a trim, my hair started looking great!

Good luck to you :weird:
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