Split ends advice needed...


Active Member
Ok I know this topic has been mentioned like a zillion times on here already but pleeeeeeeeeeease ladies I need some reassurance.

What I need to know is, if I continue to:

Wear my hair in protective styles /bun daily
S-curl them daily (haven't been doing the baggie tho sorry)
Deep condition twice a week

Will this mean that my ends will not get any worse? I have some ends which are REALLY bad but I have noticed they are not crumbling / breaking anymore but they just look really horrid and frizzy. They are not dry they feel VERY soft now that I have been doing the above, but will these ends just stay as they are but not get worse if I continue to look after my hair?

I have read that some of u ladies have gone for 9 months etc without a trim which I find amazing. I am just scared that if I go too long without a trim my ends will get thinner and thinner.

Is the way to grow long hair to hang on to bad looking ends (but keep them in GOOD condition) until it grows long enough to be trimmed?

(p.s. not all my ends are bad I have some which are really healthy)
If you ends are split, they need to be cut. NOTHING repairs split ends. Some items give you the illusion that your ends are mended but it is just an illusion. You can not uncrack and just, just the same as you can mend split ends.

ETA: The sooner you cut them off the better.
the idea is to hold onto healthy hair. If your ends are split then they should be cut. If I were you I would cut off the split ends and keep the new ends moisturized so that they don't split. Then you'll be good to go!
I forgot to mention that I do plan to cut them but just not until they are long enough to be cut. Does that make a difference?
I don't feel that she thinks that they are mended, just hoping that they won't get any worse.

That's an interesting question. I think that even split ends that are kept moist will continue to split. It's dryness (or whatever damage) that causes the split... but the act of splitting up the shaft is caused by the split.

Like if you rip a piece of paper, but you still handle the piece of paper daily, sooner or later the rip will worsen... bad anology, but that's all that I could think of :)
HairQueen said:
I forgot to mention that I do plan to cut them but just not until they are long enough to be cut. Does that make a difference?
The sooner the better. Wouldn't you rather have healthier shorter hair then longer jacked up hair?
Thanks ladies so much for ur responses so far.

I REALLY don't want to let a hairdresser trim my hair, she will end up trimming healthy ends that do not need to be trimming and I will cry! (and I mean I really will)I am fed up of starting OVER AND OVER with my hair and I have decided that this time i WILL grow it the longest its ever been.

What if I just hold up the bad ends and trim them myself bit by bit? I don't want to cut it all in one go tho cos then it will look too short compared to rest of my hair what about if I do this say every two weeks till all the bad hair is gone?
Not too long ago I cut my damaged ends off. I told my stylist to cut off as much as what needed to go, but as little as possible. I was kinda sad about it at first, but when I saw how healthy and beautiful my hair looked, I was so glad I did it! Since then my hair has grown in very nicely and still looks good. I make sure to keep my new fresh ends moisturized so they too don't split. I agree that you should cut them asap and start over fresh. Go to someone that you trust and don't look back!
I wonder if anything can get rid of split ends. I was having no problems with my hair from OCtober through December. I had a major cut 2.5" in Oct. Now it is mid January and I am realizing that I have split ends again. I'm like where did these come from? I do not use heat, I deep condition--the works. I am wondering if I handle my hair too roughly.

My plan now is to braid the hair for 7 months.
Thanks to all you ladies who responded to my post. I have gone away and re-examined my hair, it was really bugging me as to why there is only one section of my hair that is in a really bad state and that is in the middle sort of at the back.

Having thought about it I have realised (at least I think this is what it is ) is that this hair is OVERPROCESSED, whenever I go to get relaxers the lower middle is where they always start applying my relaxer therefore it means that that part has relaxer on it for the longest time. Also I have ALWAYS had my relaxer touch up done at exactly 6 weeks (and I mean exactly!)

Do u think it sounds like my hair is overpocessed? Is this the same as split ends or not? Does this change the answers to the questions can I hang on to the hair for a bit longer until the frizzy bits go. The ends are even but the only way I can describe them is very frizzy and light and much drier and harder than the rest of my hair which is in much better softer an in MUCH better condition.
HairQueen said:
What I need to know is, if I continue to:

Wear my hair in protective styles /bun daily
S-curl them daily (haven't been doing the baggie tho sorry)
Deep condition twice a week

Will this mean that my ends will not get any worse?

This will definitely help to preserve the health of your ends. :) However, I believe that it is best to start out w. healthy ends. When I started growing my hair, I made sure the damaged ends were gone FIRST, then as it grew, my ends remained healthy. I am approaching a year and, so far, I've only had to trim (just a small trim) once. :)

Happy Hair Growing to you! :cool:
Carlie said:
This will definitely help to preserve the health of your ends. :) However, I believe that it is best to start out w. healthy ends. When I started growing my hair, I made sure the damaged ends were gone FIRST, then as it grew, my ends remained healthy. I am approaching a year and, so far, I've only had to trim (just a small trim) once. :)

Happy Hair Growing to you! :cool:

Thanks Carlie,

By the way your hair looks gorgeous but I haven't been able to get into your album, I would love to have a look at it and I hope you don't mind if I ask you to PM me with your password please?

I'm sorry I don't have any pics as yet I have just joined the board and have yet to get a digital camera but as soon as I will my pics will be up...
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Hey I'm new to the forum and I had the same problem with my ends. My ends were not split they were just frizzy. So, what I did was I spray the Surge Plus 14 on my ends to see if it works and the next day my ends were not frizzy anymore. I started to cut my ends, but I didn't. Instead I cut not even a smidgit, but the Surge Plus 14 worked for me and ever since then I've been putting the Plus 14 and S-Curl on my ends everyday and have not seen a frizz or a split end and this was a month ago.
leontyneb said:
Hey I'm new to the forum and I had the same problem with my ends. My ends were not split they were just frizzy. So, what I did was I spray the Surge Plus 14 on my ends to see if it works and the next day my ends were not frizzy anymore. I started to cut my ends, but I didn't. Instead I cut not even a smidgit, but the Surge Plus 14 worked for me and ever since then I've been putting the Plus 14 and S-Curl on my ends everyday and have not seen a frizz or a split end and this was a month ago.

Wow really??!! As soon as I get home I will try this as I have both these items at home. Thanks so much for this tip, I will let you know how it goes.
I concur w/the majority. A split end is an unhealthy end and even if they don't get worse, they will never get better. What you are risking is the overall health of the strand b/c splits can travel, split again in another spot along the split, etc., which causes you to have to remove even more length. So they are best eliminated. Now that you are doing all the right things I'm sure you will see fewer splits, but it's best to let them go and start w/a healthy head of hair. I think you'll be really, really sorry if you don't trim your hair for 9 mos. knowing that they are damaged now :ohwell: . I understand not wanting to cut a lot of hair right away, but do it small regular doses until you get rid of them.

Just a word of caution w/Surge.... b/c it has protein in it, it can actually cause fragile ends to break. It's a good idea to keep your hair moisturized (baggie method would probably be a better method) but be careful w/what you use.

@banjan: I think some hair is just more prone to splits. Maybe it's the fine texture or something. The key is to catch them early and make them few! ;)
sengschick said:
I concur w/the majority. A split end is an unhealthy end and even if they don't get worse, they will never get better. What you are risking is the overall health of the strand b/c splits can travel, split again in another spot along the split, etc., which causes you to have to remove even more length. So they are best eliminated. Now that you are doing all the right things I'm sure you will see fewer splits, but it's best to let them go and start w/a healthy head of hair. I think you'll be really, really sorry if you don't trim your hair for 9 mos. knowing that they are damaged now :ohwell: . I understand not wanting to cut a lot of hair right away, but do it small regular doses until you get rid of them.

Just a word of caution w/Surge.... b/c it has protein in it, it can actually cause fragile ends to break. It's a good idea to keep your hair moisturized (baggie method would probably be a better method) but be careful w/what you use.

@banjan: I think some hair is just more prone to splits. Maybe it's the fine texture or something. The key is to catch them early and make them few! ;)

Thanks sengschick, I will do small dustings every few weeks or so (myself) I don't mind doing that I just don't want to do a huge chop in one go because the rest of my hair is almost perfect at the ends and I did not want to cut the healthy hair.
It's sad, but I agree with those who say you should just get a trim/cut. Some of the healthy hair will go with it, but if you keep up what you're are doing now, you should be able to keep your ends healthy for a long time with only few dusting or infrequent trims for upkeep. Your hair will grow back and with healthy ends it will look better than ever :) . Also really consider doing the baggy, even if you only do it at night. I just cut 3" between the last two touch ups and I wasn't happy doing it, but I did it, and I'm glad I did. My hair is shorter but healthy.


Welcome to the board. I would recommend like others have said that you try the baggie method and touch up LESS often. I used to have split ends on about 80% of strands and it didn't matter if I used heat or not...UNTIL I started the baggie method. I checked my ends today and I could count on my fingers and toes how many strands had splits. And I haven't dusted since Nov 21st. I used to have to trim monthly to keep the splits in check. I attribute it all to the MNY conditioner and oil that I use in my baggie method to keep my hair moist. Trim what needs to be trimmed now and then you're good to go :)
Hey Hair Queen and welcome! I feel your pain girl I'm going through thr same thing.I made alot of progress as far as length but my ends are thin not split. They were split this summer and I don't know what happened to the but I don't find any split ends in my hair anymore. After reading C. Howes book she says trimming is not nessesary but its just for appearance. I am doing small trims here and there to try to get my hair to look thicker but I too refuse to cut it all at once. I also wear my hair in a protective stye about 99% of the time so it don't matter to me anyway. I'll do a real cut as soon as I grow it out a little more. HTH.
SexyC said:
Hey Hair Queen and welcome! I feel your pain girl I'm going through thr same thing.I made alot of progress as far as length but my ends are thin not split. They were split this summer and I don't know what happened to the but I don't find any split ends in my hair anymore. After reading C. Howes book she says trimming is not nessesary but its just for appearance. I am doing small trims here and there to try to get my hair to look thicker but I too refuse to cut it all at once. I also wear my hair in a protective stye about 99% of the time so it don't matter to me anyway. I'll do a real cut as soon as I grow it out a little more. HTH.

Hi Sexy C, thanks so much for you input, can I just ask you a question though? How do you know when your ends are thin but not split? I just assumed that thin, frizzy see through hair meant that my ends were split?
Faith said:

Welcome to the board. I would recommend like others have said that you try the baggie method and touch up LESS often. I used to have split ends on about 80% of strands and it didn't matter if I used heat or not...UNTIL I started the baggie method. I checked my ends today and I could count on my fingers and toes how many strands had splits. And I haven't dusted since Nov 21st. I used to have to trim monthly to keep the splits in check. I attribute it all to the MNY conditioner and oil that I use in my baggie method to keep my hair moist. Trim what needs to be trimmed now and then you're good to go :)

Thanks Faith, I have only just started doing the baggie last week. The only think I am worried about is will having my hair so wet in a bag all day and night cause MORE breakage? How do u prevent this from happening to you?
My hair is not wet when I put it in the baggie and even when it was wet I never had breakage. What I do now is make sure my hair is pretty much dry before I do the baggie thing. I apply a good amount of MNT conditioner to my ponytail and then some oil. Then I put a little bit of the MNT and some oil inside my baggy. My hair is soft and supple but not really wet. HTH :)