Split End Dilemma


New Member
Okay, I'm totally perplexed. I don't use heat on my hair. I rarely ever flat iron. I air dry either in a braid out style or loose pony tail. I seal my ends with mango butter or something similar. I wear my hair w/ my ends tucked away 95% of the time with the exception of braid outs which I do once every other month. SOOOOOO, why is it that I still suffer from split ends???????
No matter how much I trim, I always find another one. I have suffered from split ends for years even when I used to use heat and color on my hair. I have been taking care of my hair using this method for about 9 months now and the amount of split ends are the same. What am I doing wrong?
Help please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Are you sure it's actually split ends? ...or could it be frizzy ends from just not airdrying straight?
Hmm.The same thing happens to me and I use no heat whatsoever.I dont get as many as when I used heat but I think I shouldn't get them at all
Are you finding a LOT of them? Like 50% or more? 30% or like 5%? If you're just finding 5%, then I wouldn't worry about it too much. I don't think anything can completely prevent them. I found that I still had a few split ends even with protective styling.
Try some Protectiv Healthy Ends on your ends in the morning and at night. After you completely use one complete jar see how your ends look. I used it on my ends faithfully day and night for one complete jar. I did a very itty bitty trim recently but other than that, my ends look pretty good.

P.S. It's pretty heavy so it's not recommended if you are trying to wear your hair down. It's fine for buns though. . . .
I used to get a LOT of them too until I started spraying with scurl. That cut it down from about 75% of my head to about 5 to 10%. Big difference!
I guess I get about 30% split ends. I am always trimming and dusting. I tried scurl and my hair did not respond to well to it. There something in scurl that caused breakage for me.
What are the ingredients in Protectiv Healthy Ends? Is it oily? If I put too much oils on my hair it gets dry and breaks. I have some weird hair. I have so much stuff for my ends from vaseline, mango butter, milk, oil, etc.
I don't know if this will help any but I my hair dresser told me to start wrapping my hair at night with a silk scarf to stop damaged ends. I tried it for one month and it worked so I do it faithfully and my ends are a lot healthier.
Wildflower, I have been through 3 different types of scissors and I still get split ends.

Candie, I don't wrap my hair but when I sleep I do have it in a protective style and I wear a satin scarf to sleep.

I'm starting to think that my hair is just prone to getting split ends becuase it's so fine.
I'm thinking that since it's only been 9 months that perhaps all of the hair that was affected by the heat and/or coloring is still suffering from the effects of it. Do you think that might be it?
Supergirl, I thought about that too since I still have about 3 inches of no lye towards my ends. I guess I have to eventually cut that hair off.
Gosh, it's so easy to mess up our hair and it takes months to years for it to recover.
Moisy, I had the same problem for a while until I started adding constant moisture using the baggie technique. Girl this works wonders for problem ends. Give it a try for a little while, you just may like it!
I forgot to ask if you're relaxed or natural? That could make a difference. I tried to texturize my hair a couple years ago and immediately..within like 1 month...I got split ends...but when I chopped of the ends I hardly get split ends anymore. I think my split ends were tied to the texturizer(chemicals) and dryness. So, maybe with the lye ends almost gone you should be fine.

No, that's not me...I wish. My natural hair doesn't stretch out like that. I have like 75% shrinkage.
Gosh, it's so easy to mess up our hair and it takes months to years for it to recover

[/ QUOTE ]
you are so right about that
like DSD try the baggie method I swear by this and I dont have any split ends anymore. I try to do the baggie twice a week to keep my ends from breaking off.
I'll try the baggie method soon. I don't have too much experience with putting on phony tails so I am terrified that it will fall off
I'm with you on the phony pony thing. I use the baggie technique in the evenings instead.

When I get home for the day or get ready for bed, I spray my ends and last inches of hair with a leave in or moisture spray and then seal with an oil, vaseline or hair honey. My final step is to cover with the baggie and secure with my scrunchie.

The next day, my ends are moist and I can either put it back in a bun or go on my way since this produces wonderful waves.