Spinoff:Is anyone giving themselves 2 years max to reach their goal?


New Member
Spinning off of being here for at least 2 years and not reaching APL, I was wondering if any of you ladies have a time limit on when you will reach your goal. I am giving myself 2-2.5 years, than I will decide what to do with my hair after:ohwell:. Is anyone else like this?
2 more years of effort toward my goal of waist length. After that I'm going to add some long layers and just enjoy my hair (while keeping it healthy of course).
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I was hoping to reach my goal length by 2009 but that's not happening now. I'm going to give myself until 2010. If I don't reach my goal by then I'm not going to stress it.
i never thought about placing a finite limit to this journey... i did join the APL by december 2009 challenge, because i feel that it is an ambitious yet attainable goal. i just want my hair to reach waist length. because i haven't nailed down my staple products, regimen or techniques at this point (been at this right at three months), it's hard for me right now to say how long that will take.

i've been scouring fotkis and profiles and have gathered that some women hit their stride and just grow fast, others discover it later, or slowly but surely. i'm hoping i'm the former, but that is something i can't tell three months in.

i know that doesn't really answer the question, but that's the best i have so far. good question though, it's got me thinking...
I don't have a time limit on reaching my goal hair goal, to me it a life long journey that will never end as long as the Lord says the same of course:)
I set my goal to be arm pit length, stretched by the summer. i found my staples (mega tek) and am consistent with it. and, i leave my hair alone. i don't have too much time to wash every few days, deep condition, etc. i wear wigs (afta dat terrible mishap at the car wash today, i may change up and do something different besides wigs :ohwell:) and keep my hair in cornrows underneath. every morning and night i apply my mega tek and boundless tresses. spritz my hair with a spray I made...well, not really made it myself, but i purchased some african royale braiding spray.

i added some hawaiian silky 14 in 1, some rosemary, lavendar, cedarwood, sage and thyme essential oils in it, and mixed it together and just spray it on my hair morning and night. I rinse my hair with plain water in the shower every saturday morning after I come home from the gym. the only time my hair gets a good wash is when i take them down. I leave my cornrows in for a month. this time, I didn't make a month because i had one inch of new growth...i made three weeks. Got it braided on 12/1 and had to get them done over on 12/24.

bottom line, being consistent and not product jumpin...
Yes dear, If I am not Waist length by the end of 2010, I will just cut some layers, start wearing down more often and just enjoy whatever I got at that time.
If I'm not at BSB in 2 more years then I'll have to re evaluate my regimen. I may even give being a "straight natural" a shot to switch things up. Who knows.
Spinning off of being here for at least 2 years and not reaching APL, I was wondering if any of you ladies have a time limit on when you will reach your goal. I am giving myself 2-2.5 years, than I will decide what to do with my hair after:ohwell:. Is anyone else like this?

Well I have a time limit of where I want to be, in honest, I'm just letting my hair grow whether it reaches my waist or not......I just want to see how long I can grow it.....I mean in two years I would love to be full strap and then another two years waist, but I'm just growing.....no stopping for me.:yep:
well my goal is WSL so, i don't have a time limit on it. i don't expect to reach it in 2 years. i've never been past full bsl so, idk how long it would take. i have all the time in the word.
I want to be BSL by my 30 birthday - Jan. 2010. But this goal is based on my growth rate, how many inches is BSL on me, and the attached picture showing average hair growth over the years.

BSL is where I should be after 3 years of growing my hair. After BSL I don't care how long it takes to get longer, I will just enjoy the journey.


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I have not set a finite time limit but i do have goals. APL by dec 09, full BSL by dec 2010, Full WSL by dec 2011. If I dont make it to my goals I will still keep it moving. I promised my sons that I would never cut my hair again. So that is it.
I'll hav eto reconsider my goal in 2011 when I get there. I'm not in a hurry, am definitely on target thus far - it's actually a fun journey.
I have decided that if I have not reached BSL or at least past APL I am going to start transitioning. So I guess it is not a limit on my goal, but rather a change so i am better able to reach my hair goals.
In 2 years (2011) I would like to be full waist length plus, because it's on my journey to classic and beyond. If I don't reach it that means that either my hair is either not retaining the length or it's in the resting phase of no growth. I am not giving up on my goals and I refuse to put pressure on myself for something I have no control over. I can only keep it healthy and watch where it grows. For me It's a journey with goals not a contest. Good luck ya'll.
When I decided to allow my hair to grow out, I did not put a time frame on it. I wasn't certain how long it would take, because I had not previously let it grow to the length that I currently want it. I'll be on this journey for as many years as it takes.
Hair growth has been non existent for me( and not because of breakage), I know that I have some keratin because my nails grow like wild fire. So I've already given up on goals,I'll be relaxing this year.
I never put a time limit on my hair growth. Unless I die my hair will keep growing and I'll eventually get to my goal length. I might have to tweak my regimen a bit to ensure more retention but I'll get there. I'm enjoying my hair journey anyway. Who knows where I'll end up?
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Well, I have decided I'm not gonna cut my hair ever again (except to put in layers when it gets to WL), I'm just interested to see how long it will grow. Now, I'm excited about the two year mark because then I will be graduating from school, and I have figured from being on these boards and looking at the growth I'm getting and retaining, that in two years my hair length and look and styling options will be dramatically different.
I don't have any specific time frames for growth. As long as I continue to see progress/improvements and no major setbacks then I am satisfied.
Hmm, if I don't reach APL by the end of 2009, I will either transition again or cut it back up to a little above SL and get highlights :look: Haven't decided yet. Hope I won't have to.

Since I've already hit 2 yrs on my journey. I do think that is reasonable. If I hit Apl in '09, then I can get bsl/mbl in '10.