spin off on the no lye/lye relaxer debate...


New Member
Okay, I'm sure we all have read the numerous posts about which is "better" to relax with, no-lye or lye perms. The biggest points that I've gotten from past posts is that #1 the No-lye ones aren't good because although they do a superb job straightening the hair they strip it of all of its moisture; and #2 the lye ones are best even though they sometimes don't straighten the hair as much as preferred but they are less drying/damaging to the hair. My question is, are their any exceptions to these "norms"? I used a lye perm one time and it damaged my hair so badly that I never went back to it. I've been relaxing using no-lye for about 18 years, and I never had a problem with dryness. Any one else? And any lye relaxer users suffering from chronic dry hair that they think may be due to their lye relaxer? List your hair type to please, as maybe that is a factor to different results
absolutely. CaramelHonee uses a no lye. Allandra and Supergirl use Lye. Lindy uses a no lye...

It's all relative.
there are always going to be exceptions. what might work for one might not work for the other.
it really just depends on the individual. the only person i can think of who hates no-lye is shamboosie. have you read that guys book? he acts like no-lye relaxers are the plague
When I was relaxed, I always used no-lye. I had one lye relaxer and it broke my hair off so badly that I had to cut it all off, it was almost shoulder length, and start over. Now that I texturize, I still use no-lye. Lye just does not work for me at all. It does seem to me that most people who texturize end up using a no-lye product if I'm not mistaken.
I've never (knowingly) had a lye perm, but I'm curious to know whether this is overall better for your hair. I use no-lye and I have NEVER had a problem w/any sort of dryness or damage.
Dolce_Dawn said:
I've never (knowingly) had a lye perm, but I'm curious to know whether this is overall better for your hair. I use no-lye and I have NEVER had a problem w/any sort of dryness or damage.

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See, after reading about the pros & cons of BOTH relaxers I started doubting my faightful no-lye, but then I started thinking well, if it ain't broke don't fix it! I now believe that my 4a hair just does better with no lye, but I don't necessarily believe my no-lye is better than lye, it's just better for me. I was curious if I was like the only person though who's hair did well with no-lye relaxers...
I've used a no-lye relaxer for at lesat 12 years and, as far as I know, it hasn't made my hair dry or caused any other problems. I use Soft and beautiful regular strength. I'm not sure what stylists used on my hair before that when I went to salons.

Sometimes when I read the lye vs no-lye debates, it makes me wonder for a brief moment if a lye relaxer would be better. But I'm not sure what people mean when they say no-lye makes hair dry. It could be that those people would consider my hair dry while it seems very soft and moisturized to me.

In the end, I also believe that "if it ain't broke don't fix it," so I stick with what works for me.
renee_n_3000 said:
I've used a no-lye relaxer for at lesat 12 years and, as far as I know, it hasn't made my hair dry or caused any other problems. I use Soft and beautiful regular strength. I'm not sure what stylists used on my hair before that when I went to salons.

Sometimes when I read the lye vs no-lye debates, it makes me wonder for a brief moment if a lye relaxer would be better. But I'm not sure what people mean when they say no-lye makes hair dry. It could be that those people would consider my hair dry while it seems very soft and moisturized to me.

In the end, I also believe that "if it ain't broke don't fix it," so I stick with what works for me.

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normally, salons use Lye relaxers.
My hair prefers no lye. I only relax to 60-75% straight but lye can't even do that for me. I tried 3 different brands and gave up. When I went back to no-lye and got my usual results, I really wished I hadn't fallen into the hype and tried to switch.
I just saw an ad for this, Dark & Lovely moisturizing no-lye relaxer. I thought it was interesting that they actually had the word moisturizing on the box in big bold letters, like the manufacturers had been to this forum! Has anyone tried this, and what were your results?
If I remember correctly, Adrienne used Dark and Lovely No lye for years. She made the switch to Lye a few yrs back and doesnt notice a difference..