Speaking of thick hair . . .

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
My hair is very thick and it is about shoulder length. Whenever I try to wear it in a bob, it is just a thick poofy mess. Take today for instance. I rolled my hair using rods last night. Then, I took the rods out this morning and then wrapped my hair before getting in the shower. I kept the wrap in until just before I left the house. The result? I look like a black Peggy Bundy! :mad:

To my thick-haired sistahs, are you ever able to wear a bob? Unless I am fresh from getting a relaxer, for me the answer is generally no. :(
Me and you both. Unless I am fresh out of a relaxer, my hair just does not look right when I wear it in a bob. I just do a braidout and wrap it around in a bun. Not one of my more attractive styles but I will sacrifice style for health anyday.
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My hair is also thick/dense. No- no bobs. Only braidouts which haven't been going that great lately either.

Black Peg Bundy... That's hilarious!
My hair isn't as long as you ladies but I have the same problem. Always wanted the straight shiny bouncy bob...learning to live witth the fact that I never will.
My hair is thick and I have been able to wear a bob but my hair has to be flat ironed or rollerset with a blow out. Lot's of heat but it can be done
I say take it as a blessing. People would kill to have hair like that. I say just find a nice hair do that will compliment the thickness.
Glib Gurl said:
My hair is very thick and it is about shoulder length. Whenever I try to wear it in a bob, it is just a thick poofy mess. Take today for instance. I rolled my hair using rods last night. Then, I took the rods out this morning and then wrapped my hair before getting in the shower. I kept the wrap in until just before I left the house. The result? I look like a black Peggy Bundy! :mad:

To my thick-haired sistahs, are you ever able to wear a bob? Unless I am fresh from getting a relaxer, for me the answer is generally no. :(

When I wore my hair relaxed the bob was my favorite style that's basically all I wore.
Rollers usually meant poofy hair for me and rods would make the curls tight and poodle like and it would take a week for them to loosen and fall into place.
When I switched stylists she told me to ditch the rollers and I would get my hair wrapped and dried under a hood drier then flat ironed.To keep the style she showed me how to pin curl my hair using large bobby pins (6-8 pin curls would cover the whole head any more than that makes it too tight.)then I would tie it down with a satin scarf.
When I took the pins out the hair would fall into place with the help of a little finger styling to position the unraveled curls and it was never poofy or big even though my hair is 4b and thick.
Bingo, you hit it right on the head. I would never do rollersets when i plan on wearing my hair done when its longer. I simply do a wet wrap with a single (maybe 2) roller at the top for some height. It has to be quite wet to acheive a smooth wrap. Also, I LOVE SE form for wrapping. It gets me the smoothest ever. Also, if you want it even smoother, I flat iron only the very top layers of my hair.

scorpian said:
When I wore my hair relaxed the bob was my favorite style that's basically all I wore.
Rollers usually meant poofy hair for me and rods would make the curls tight and poodle like and it would take a week for them to loosen and fall into place.
When I switched stylists she told me to ditch the rollers and I would get my hair wrapped and dried under a hood drier then flat ironed.To keep the style she showed me how to pin curl my hair using large bobby pins (6-8 pin curls would cover the whole head any more than that makes it too tight.)then I would tie it down with a satin scarf.
When I took the pins out the hair would fall into place with the help of a little finger styling to position the unraveled curls and it was never poofy or big even though my hair is 4b and thick.
tetbelle said:
My hair is thick and I have been able to wear a bob but my hair has to be flat ironed or rollerset with a blow out. Lot's of heat but it can be done

This is what i have to do also. But since im keepin heat to a minimal until i reach my hair goal i gave up on it.
i can't wear a wrap or bob hairstyle without having a fresh relaxer too. so i just op for rollersets with lots of curls all over my head.