Southerngirl & Keluric


New Member
Hey ladies,

Perhaps I have been out of the loop. I know Southerngirl had a beautiful little girl. I don't know if she made an announcement and said she was leaving the boards. Not having any luck getting into her fotki. Anyone who knows hers could you pm her fotki password to me & say hello and hope things are well for her.

Now keluric, I haven't seen her and she has removed pics from her fotki. Anyone who knows her tell her I miss her pics and info on the boards. She was really cool.

If both ladies are around, this post is to let you know you are missed.
I was wondering where Keluric has been the other day. I noticed in her profile she hasn't logged into the board since April. All her hair pics are gone out of her fotki too. :ohwell:
I was thinking the same thing too!! Southerngirl got me to trying mane and tail.. Keluric got me to trying all the indian oils, rosewater etc.. Hey gurls where are you? You are missed!

OT:bmoreflyygirl your puff is growing, grow girl, grow!!!
I was thinking of Southerngirl the other week. It does seem like she's been gone awhile. The last time I remember her posting a lot is right before she had her baby. Maybe life as a mom is keeping her busy.
I have been wondering about southerngirl as well!!

But Keluric...she is doing just fine :D I will tell her you all asked about her!
I hope all is well with SG too, I miss her posts. The last thing I remeber her posting about was her BC. I'm glad Keluric is okay, please tell her hello for us sweetfacekay. :)
soonergirl said:
I was thinking the same thing too!! Southerngirl got me to trying mane and tail.. Keluric got me to trying all the indian oils, rosewater etc.. Hey gurls where are you? You are missed!

OT:bmoreflyygirl your puff is growing, grow girl, grow!!!

Thank you!! :D
sweetfacekay said:
I have been wondering about southerngirl as well!!

But Keluric...she is doing just fine :D I will tell her you all asked about her!

Thanks so much!! :D I truly miss a sister's guidance. Especially since I am having a hard time with these knots.