Sorry Another Henna Thread: Questions about Usage *newbie*


New Member
  1. I want to do a Henna Gloss after I wash out my relaxer; has anyone done this w/ great results?
  2. I don't care much for getting some color but if I didn't want them: should I be using Cassia and still be able to get a gloss to my hair?
  3. Will applying a henna gloss w/ lots of new growth still look right?
  4. My ingrediants are....
-Jamila (50mg) or if I want no color: -Cassia (50 mg)
-Aubrey Organic Blue Camomile Conditioner (some squirts)
-Virgin Coconut Oil (1 tbs)
-Amla Oil (1 tsp)
-Honey (1 tsp)
.....does that seem about correct: should I take or add anything in besides ACV?
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