Sore/Tender Scalp??


New Member
Does this mean the hair is growing??? I decided to try a Monistat 7 mix (Monistat, coconut oil, peppermint oil, mango butter) on my scalp...just to test it out to see if I could get results from it. I first applied the mix on Monday...I reapplied last night and today while feeling through my scalp, it's a little tender and sore to the touch. Does this mean my hair is growing or am I having abad reaction to the mix?? :perplexed
if it hurts I would saw that it is probably a reaction. I don't think growth should be painful
I hope your scalp feels better
oooohhhhh!!! I hope so!!!! :grin: I was starting to scared at first, but now you ladies have me too excited!!!! :rolleyes:
I hope you all are right. I haven't been measuring so I don't know but I've had the sore scalp thing once in the month that I've been using MN.