sore scalp and breakage..


Well-Known Member
So i have sore area on my scalp in the crown and i can definitely see that i have experienced some breakage in that are.. can anyone tell me what may be the cause and anything that can help..

Thanks in.advance!

Worn braids lately? Been doing a lot of manipulation? Do you wear a lot of styles that require tension or pinning in that area? What about a rough detangling session?

Scalp massaging with jbco should help. I would go easy on using a lot of product in that area until the soreness goes away.

If it persists beyond a reasonable time, maybe head over to your local dermatologist and let him/her have a look. Hope you feel better soon & sorry about the breakage.
The only time I had BOTH was from wearing pieces/wigs that used combs in that area. Do you have any allergies? I am allergic to nickel and many of the metal combs used in wigs have nickel in them. I am also allergic to latex so glue causes a similar reaction as well as some of the elastic used on the rim of wigs. All sorts of things like this could contribute to a sore scalp. I'd rub it with castor oil and give that area some TLC for a bit.

ETA: Bobby pins too
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I have that same spot. It lessened greatly after I ditched relaxers. As a natural, I make sure to clarify - concentrating on that area - and JBCO or EVCO. I think both have anti-fungal properties.
So i have sore area on my scalp in the crown and i can definitely see that i have experienced some breakage in that are.. can anyone tell me what may be the cause and anything that can help..

Thanks in.advance!

IMFOCSD, search "clogged follicles". A lot of us have been having this problem and it turns out it clogged follicles from cowashing.
divachyk i have been doin all of the above but it's weird because i get the same issue in the same spot from time to time. I noticed my scalp getting sore about a month ago so i braided my hair up amd put it away but when i took my braids down it was still sore. I been thinking about getting a shampoo or conditioner with tea tree or menthol.

Thanks so much for the responses ladies!
ITA with BEAUTYU2U when I stopped relaxing my sore spot in my crown area disappeared. The only time it gets sore now, is if I'm overdue for a cleansing session.

Sent from my Speak & Spell using LHCF
divachyk i have been doin all of the above but it's weird because i get the same issue in the same spot from time to time. I noticed my scalp getting sore about a month ago so i braided my hair up amd put it away but when i took my braids down it was still sore. I been thinking about getting a shampoo or conditioner with tea tree or menthol.

Thanks so much for the responses ladies!

Is it dry & itchy? If yes -- are you scratching it with sharp points such as fingers or are you gently rubbing it with the balls of your fingers? IMFOCSD?
Is it dry & itchy? If yes -- are you scratching it with sharp points such as fingers or are you gently rubbing it with the balls of your fingers? IMFOCSD?

divachyk i usually dont have itchy scalp but when i do i just scratch lightly, i do make my kids give me scalp massages tho lol..they are pretty good and gentle.

Eta, i just subscribed to your YouTube channel
Thank you IMFOCSD. I truly appreciate that. That's cute about the kids. Be gentle with that area going forward and scalp massage with jbco as we chatted about earlier. Also, aloe vera juice (and tea tree like you mentioned) are great for scalp irritations. When I had a relaxer oopsy moment and my scalp was slightly tender, I used neosporine.
Thank you IMFOCSD. I truly appreciate that. That's cute about the kids. Be gentle with that area going forward and scalp massage with jbco as we chatted about earlier. Also, aloe vera juice (and tea tree like you mentioned) are great for scalp irritations. When I had a relaxer oopsy moment and my scalp was slightly tender, I used neosporine.

O wow neosporin huh...makes perfect sense! Thanks so much for the advice divachyk
If the problem persists after you've tried some of the suggestions, you may want to go to the dermatologist to get a biopsy to ensure that you don't have a scalp condition.
My god sister has this issue. And she was diagnosed with inflammation of the scalp. She was placed on medication both oral and topical.

Almond Eyes
Stop! Put the castor oil and neosporin down and make an appointment with a dermatologist. If you do a quick search for "itchy crown" or "crown breakage" you will see me in every thread since 2011. It started with an itch, then breakage, then it became apparent the hair there was just flat out not growing right. The texture felt weird, like it had zero elasticity and was hard. Like you I thought to put my hair in a protective style to grow it out. When I took it out and the area had not grown out, I knew something was wrong.

I went to the dermatologist and he took one look and told me I had a bacterial infection in the area. He could see redness and scaliness at the surface. Do you know I was on antibiotics for 30 days!? That along with Clobetasol ( an extremely strong steroid). He said it was quite common to have Black women come in with scalp problems that have gone untreated for yeeeaaaarsss and have turned into permanent hair loss. Traction alopecia, ccc alopecia, scalp infections, the horrifying list goes on and on. And all due in large part to common abusive hair practices in the black hair community (don't forget everybody ain't on LHCF).

Luckily, after all that my hair is finally growing back. Don't take any chances. We can dye, chop, relax, grow, break off our hair, then grow it back all day. But if you permanently damage the scalp you can never have the hair you want.

Sorry for the long post. I had to pay it forward when I saw your post. Blessings.
All of these suggestions are good, but............the simplistic solution is, try a clarifying shampoo. If it's clogged follicles, the soreness wil diminish almost immediately. If the symptoms continue, then you should proceed with some of the other suggestions.

As i stated up thread, a lot of us are getting this now and it's a direct result of co-washing. Check out the Komaza Hair Analysis thread.
I get a sore scalp when my hair is damp at the scalp for a long period of time from the GHE method. After >I< use JBCO for a month or so, the soreness leaves. I too think its a scalp fungus.
abcd09 I never had any tests ran to find out exactly what it was. He just took one look at it and said it was a bacterial infection. It's funny you should ask because while my hair made great progress in the affected areas, I still do not feel my scalp is 100% healed. I actually have a doctor's appointment next week with another dermatologist for a second opinion. This time I want answers. If it's bacteria then I want to know the name of the strain! A lot of derms just eyeball a problem. If you are seeking care I suggest you are dilligent in requesting evidence (via tests etc) for a proper diagnosis.
I had that too. My breakage was in the front crown area. I keep is moisturized and brush and comb that scalp area very gently 1X week. By does scratching the scalp area feel good with the teeth of a comb or brush. It is growing nicely. :)
Girl I had this same problem a couple weeks ago. In the front and my crown. I even started to lose hair in that spot. It was so sore. Smh All I did was massage the area with some oil everyday (I don't know why I did, I just did) and my hair started slowly growing back in. Now I have a lot of NG growing in it.

Girl I had this same problem a couple weeks ago. In the front and my crown. I even started to lose hair in that spot. It was so sore. Smh All I did was massage the area with some oil everyday (I don't know why I did, I just did) and my hair started slowly growing back in. Now I have a lot of NG growing in it.

pre_medicalrulz what type of oil did you use?
This is my crown. It seems more sore when I'm stressing. I used to have breakage now that area is thin (working on filling it back out). Now my mom's side all have thin crowns except for one aunt.
I used to use some shampoo called T-Fal or something like that on my crown for about two months to make sure it wasn't an infection. I agree w/ also using any antifungal oils and prehaps a sulphur oil and shea butter. Massage in shea butter every day for a month. If hair will grow back, you should see results in a month.
Jbco does help because I have a similar spot at the top of my head its always ichy and kind of tender...but I am low manipulation so I don't know what's up and I am natural...
Girl I had this same problem a couple weeks ago. In the front and my crown. I even started to lose hair in that spot. It was so sore. Smh All I did was massage the area with some oil everyday (I don't know why I did, I just did) and my hair started slowly growing back in. Now I have a lot of NG growing in it.

That's beautiful progress
@abcd09 I never had any tests ran to find out exactly what it was. He just took one look at it and said it was a bacterial infection. It's funny you should ask because while my hair made great progress in the affected areas, I still do not feel my scalp is 100% healed. I actually have a doctor's appointment next week with another dermatologist for a second opinion. This time I want answers. If it's bacteria then I want to know the name of the strain! A lot of derms just eyeball a problem. If you are seeking care I suggest you are dilligent in requesting evidence (via tests etc) for a proper diagnosis.
I agree with you 100%. In 2004 I also had a scalp condition for which I went to a doctor (note not a dermatologist) for a diagnosis. She took one look at my flaky, scaly scalp and told me I had an fungal infection. She prescribed a steroid and sent me home. Long story short my condition got worse and I wound up in the hospital with a low grage fever because my scalp had become severely infected. A dermatologist correctly diagnosed me with having psoriasis and directed me to receive treatment through someone else (another derm).

For all of the pains that I went through with that improper diagnosis I would be very wary of a doctor giving at a glance diagnosis without further testing.
I don't know whether this might help, however, I'm natural and have recently been experiencing tight, dry, itchy scalp and I don't know what's causing it. Then I realized that I have not been pre-pooing with oils since August and then I had my aah! aah! moment. So on my last wash, I pre-pooed with a combination of Coconut, Castor, Grapeseed and Aragon oils and my scalp is finally giving me some relief. I'm thinking because I relaxed my hair for so long it negatively affected my scalp where my scalp, now under normal condition, stays dry and itchy.
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